Social Intercourse: September 9

The Common presents: HIP-HOP KARAOKE
The Common (9910a-109 Street)
Thursday, Sept 10 at 9:00 p.m.
The Common invites you to bring your enthusiasm for hip-hop music and culture out of your car and onto their stage for a fun-filled night of hip-hop karaoke. Just admit it, you already rap along shamelessly to “X Gon’ Give It To Ya’ when it comes up on shuffle in the car, so why not put those skills to good use and help the club go up on a Thursday? If you happen to be one of the 12 people chosen to perform, please remember, this event is not the time or place to plug a song off of your, self-proclaimed, “fire” mix-tape.
To register, email [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] with your song
YEGfest Presented by The Creative Clubhouse
Hawrelak Park Heritage Amphitheatre (9930 Groat Road)
Friday, Sept 11 until Sat, September 12
$40 for weekend pass (
Are you sick and tired of our live music venues shutting down? Have you had it up to here with people telling you that our local music and art communities are dying? Well gosh darnnit folks, its high time we did something about it! Show your support for our local scenes and get on over to Hawkrelak Park this September 11- 12 for a weekend filled with local talent. YEGfest is a multi-genre festival meant to celebrate creativity and collectivity in our city, so I don’t know, go there and take a selfie or do a Snap and prove to the world that Edmonton’s art/ music scene is still alive and kicking.
Metro Cinema (8712 109 Street)
Friday, Sept 11 until Sept 17
$9 for students at the door
French with English Subtitles
Eden: A Film by Mia Hansen-Løve centres around the rise of electronic music in early 90’s France and takes you on a journey through all of the highs (pun intended) and lows of what it meant to be an aspiring DJ during this influential time. Although fictional, this film does reference several actual DJs, including an introduction to a certain mask-wearing, French duo. If you’re keen on electronic music and are looking to see a film that does the topic justice (unlike that crappy thing starring Zac Effron), head over to The Metro Cinema and check out Eden.
Saturday-Morning All-You-Can-Eat-Cereal-Cartoon-Party!
Metro Cinema (8712 109 Street)
Saturday, Sept 19 at 10:00 a.m.
$12 for students at the door
It’s that time again … The Metro Cinema’s annual attempt to help you forget the horrors of adult hood by giving you bowl after bowl of sugary and delicious cereals and allowing you to glaze over and smile uncontrollably as they press play on a series of hyper-nostalgic 70’s & 80’s cartoons! Pro-Tip: arrive early, as this event always sells out. In case you were concerned, the Metro Cinema has confirmed via Facebook comment that they will “have an assortment of dairy free milks available”.