Arts & CultureCampus & City
Fashion Streeters: Kosta Koukouzikis
Name: Kostas Koukouzikis
Year: 1st Year, Grad Studies, EAS
Describe your outfit:
I have some Vans shoes that feature Yellow Submarine, Happy Socks, Tommy Hilfiger pants, a Levi’s shirt, a Zara coat with gold buttons that my girlfriend put on, and then a ring that I got from Turkey. My glasses are Balenciaga and this is a cross from the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. The Inukshuk I got from here.
What inspires your style?
I want something different. I love to challenge myself everyday and pick something out of my closet that I don’t expect to pick. That’s all.
What do you find is the biggest difference between European and Canadian style?
I have the impression that it’s different in the aspect that the way that the people choose the clothes is completely different from what the Europeans do. And not only that, I had a walk around the shops here in Edmonton and Calgary as well, and the clothes that you can find there, they are different. I can’t explain in what aspect but that’s what I got. I mean, like the patterns they are pretty much conservative, the colours are generally pale.
Do you have any style icons?
No, none! If I can pick a fashion icon, I admire people that can just do their own magic and wear things that you cannot expect, but the outcome is perfect. I mean, it’s all about aesthetics right? It’s pretty subjective.