UASU Election Cheatsheet 2018

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What are these positions and who’s running?
This executive represents students as a whole and acts as the primary spokesperson for the Students’ Union. This year’s candidates are:
Meet them all here: SU Elections Q&A: President
Listen to the presidential radio debate
Check out commentary on their performance at the SUBStage forum here.
Vice-President (External)
This executive works with the outside, non-university community, including the federal, provincial, and municipal governments. Their work surrounds issues such as tuition, grants, and academic policy. This year’s candidates are:
Meet them all here: SU Elections Q&A: Vice-President (External)
Vice-President (Academic)
This executive manages academic initiatives, which can involve helping students afford university or improving course requirements. This year’s candidates are:
Meet them all here: SU Elections Q&A: Vice-President (Academic)
Vice-President (Student Life)
This executive is responsible for university-related non-academic issues, including residence life, internal approaches to mental health, and fun campus-wide events. This year’s candidates are:
Meet them all here: SU Elections Q&A: Vice-President (Student Life)
Vice-President (Operations and Finance)
This executive manages the Students’ Union’s $11 million budget, including the SU’s various businesses such as RATT and Dewey’s. This year’s candidates are:
- Jessie Benoit/ Donald Stroump (Joke candidate)
- Emma Ripka
Meet them both here: SU Elections Q&A: Vice-President (Operations and Finance)
Undergraduate Board of Governors Representative
This executive sits as a student voice on the Board of Governors, the highest decision-making body on campus. The Board works around campus-side issues including tuition fees, rental rates, and the university’s finances. This year’s candidates are:
Meet them both here: SU Elections Q&A: Undergraduate Board of Governors Representative
Referendum: Student Events Initiative
The referendum will be asking students if they support paying $8.25 per student per semester until 2020, and $16.50 per semester after 2020 (the fees are cut in half during spring and summer semesters) to facilitate the Myer Horowitz Theatre renovation, other renovations to SUB, as well as funding for grants and programming.
- “Yes” side: Daria Nordell
Meet the referendum side here: SU Elections Q&A: Student Events Initiative Referendum
Plebiscite: Campus Recreation Enhancement Fund
This plebiscite is asking if students continue to support paying $4.10 per semester (fall, winter, spring, and summer) to a fund that distributes $290,000 per year in grant funding for recreation at the U of A.
- “Yes” side: Sarah Jevne
Meet the plebiscite side here: SU Elections Q&A: Campus Recreation Enhancement Fund Plebiscite
Augustana Forum
Took place at 6 p.m. on February 26. We didn’t attend, but you can watch the Augustana Medium’s livestream here.
SUBStage Forum 1
Was held on February 28 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. and included the following races: president, vice-president (external), vice-president (operations and finance), and the Student Events Initiative referendum.
News: Candidates face off at the first SUBStage forum
- Live Blog
- Editorial: Presidential candidates shouldn’t use Indigenous students as token platform points
- SUBstage forum leaves much to be desired in VPX and VPOF races
SUBStage Forum 2
Was held on March 1 from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. and included the following races: vice-president (academic), vice-president (student life), undergraduate Board of Governors representative, and the Campus Recreation Fund plebiscite.
News: Second SUBstage forum sparks debate
Campus Saint Jean Forum
The forum was held on March 2 at 12:00 p.m. at Campus Saint Jean and included all of the races.
News: Campus Saint-Jean’s concerns front and centre at forum
International Students’ Association Forum
Took place on March 2 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Edmonton Clinical Health Academy and included all of the races.
- Presidential candidates grilled over international student issues
- International students question candidates at ISA forum
- Live Blog
- A real presidential race starts to take shape
- Kim stood out among strong student life candidates at ISA forum
Myer Horowitz Theatre Forum
Was held on March 5 at 12 p.m. and included all of the races. All classes were cancelled from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. to allow students to attend the forum.
- Internal and external priorities clash in presidential race
- Candidates take centre stage at Myer Horowitz forum
Residence Forum
Took place on March 6 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Lister cafeteria and included all of the races.
Election Dissection
Find out who our panel of Students’ Union experts said should win each race:
- President
- Vice-president (external)
- Vice-president (academic)
- Vice-president (student life)
- Vice-president (operations and finance)
- Board of Governors representative
- Student Events Initiative referendum and Campus Recreation Enhancement Fund Plebiscite