GFC discusses potential and passed strategic plans
Two of the plans will address how the university will accommodate increased enrolment and the other seeks to enhance equity within the university community.

At the University of Alberta’s General Faculties Council (GFC) meeting on November 18, GFC discussed the final draft of the Integrated Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Action Plan, the draft of the Built for Purpose: The University’s Strategic Campus Plan, and the passed Integrated Enrolment Growth Plan (IEGP).
UASU and GSA presidents move to have the U of A reaffirm its EDI commitment
U of A Students’ Union (UASU) President Lisa Glock and Graduate Students’ Association (GSA) President Haseeb Arshad, moved to have the U of A reaffirm its commitment to EDI.
The motion asked the university to uphold its commitment to EDI principles as stated in SHAPE, the U of A’s 10-year strategic plan; Forward with Purpose: A Strategic Plan for Research and Innovation (SPRI); and Igniting Purpose: Student Experience Action Plan (SEAP). The motion was carried.
“I think we have all felt the repercussions of actions going against EDI in all parts of the world recently,” Glock said. “We want to make sure that [EDI] is upheld at this highest academic body and throughout the university.”
Question Period
During the question period, Duncan Elliott, faculty of engineering GFC representative, raised concerns about the change to Google storage quotas. Google no longer offers the university unlimited storage. According to Elliot, these changes were made without adequate consultation.
Todd Gilchrist, vice-president (university services, operations and finance), said that university administration may have benefitted from more consultation in this process. Gilchrist emphasized the importance of communication throughout such changes.
Arshad asked if the university has plans to address student mental health concerns related to financial pressures. Melissa Padfield, deputy provost (students and enrolment), said that the university has put 1.6 million dollars towards clinical and counselling services.
Integrated EDI Action Plan
Carrie Smith, vice-provost (EDI), presented the final draft of the Integrated EDI Action Plan. The draft plan began development in November 2023. The university consulted students, staff, and faculty members.
The plan seeks to enhance equity within the university community, emphasizing an intersectional approach to EDI.
“The community is ready for a shift away from identity-based approaches and seeks to move towards an issues based and intersectional approach,” Smith said. “It is essential that equity leads to fairness and access for all.”
Jennifer Tupper, dean of the faculty of education, asked about reporting expectations with the new plan. Smith said that the EDI office is working on a implementation plan that will support the reporting process.
Built for Purpose: University Strategic Campus Plan
Gilchrist, Provost and Vice-president (academic) Verna Yiu, College Dean of the College of Social Sciences and Humanities Marvin Washington, and Ashley Bhatia, associate vice-president of infrastructure planning, development, and partnerships, presented Built for Purpose: The University’s Strategic Campus Plan.
The plan is focused on accommodating growth on the university’s campuses. Consultation has included town halls and focus groups. There also is a survey open to gather feedback on the plan.
“Built For Purpose will align with our other strategic documents to create a vision for what campus will look like 20 years from now,” Gilchrist said.
Layla Alhussainy, UASU vice-president (academic), asked how the plan addresses accessibility issues and if disabled university members will be consulted. Bhatia said that they consulted with the Council on Systemic Ableism and their feedback will be implemented into the plan.
Glock asked how this plan will ensure an optimally functional campus environment that will attract students.
Gilchrist emphasized that the university has “a chronic, long-term underfunding of our capital maintenance and renewal.” He added that the university continues to make full use out of its funding for maintenance.
Integrated Enrolment Growth Plan (IEGP)
Padfield then presented the Integrated Enrolment Growth Plan. The plan seeks to accommodate the enrolment goal set out in SHAPE.
Following the plan, the university will be comprised of 78 per cent undergraduate students and 22 per cent graduate students. Additionally, the student population will be comprised of 75 per cent domestic students and 25 per cent international students.
Elena Posse de Chaves, faculty of medicine and dentistry representative, questioned the analysis behind the plan’s assessment of new positions needed to support enrolment growth.
Padfield said that the aggregate presented in the plan “came from the faculties and programs themselves.” The number of positions should be determined by discussions within programs and faculties, and then with centralized services, she added.