January Crossword Answers
Find the answers to the winter print issue crossword here!

3. Who did The Gateway gain independence from in 2002: STUDENTSUNION
6. The new tallest building on campus: DONADEO
11. The first building constructed on campus: ATHABASCAHALL
12. Collective name for the Athabasca, Pembina and Assiniboia Halls: THREESISTERS
14. Building on campus that used to house cadavers for the medical faculty in early 1900s: POWERPLANT
16. “Most humanistic of the sciences and the most scientific of the humanities”: ANTHROPOLOGY
19. U of A’s motto “Quaecumque Vera” means “__________ things are true”: WHATSOEVER
21. Series of drawings and digital prints exploring the connection between arts and sciences in CCIS by instructor in the Faculty of Education, Ron _____: WIGGLESWORTH
22. Raymond Urgel Lumieux at the U of A was the first to synthesise: SUCROSE
23. The Memorial Organ was installed to honour those lost during which world war: ONE
24. Largest faculty at the U of A: SCIENCE
1. Founded in Pincher Creek by an Oblate Priest in 1908: CAMPUSSAINTJEAN
2. U of A building retrofitted with solar heating and rainwater collection in 2008: TRIFFOHALL
4. the U of A’s Faculty of _____ was the first in Canada: EDUCATION
5. Rare books are kept in temperature and humidity controlled conditions in this library: BRUCEPEEL
7. Provincial historic site on Saskatchewan Drive: RUTHERFORDHOUSE
8. In the U of A’s first year of operation __ out of 45 undergraduates were women: SEVEN
9. Baby fossil cast displayed in CCIS of this species of dinosaur: CHASMOSAURUS
10. As a branch of the National Research Council, The National Institute of _____ is not open to students: NANOTECHNOLOGY
13. The first premier of Alberta, who also passed an act to found the U of A: RUTHERFORD
15. this used to be the tallest building on campus until 2015: TORY
17. In 1930, 5 farm buildings were moved from North Campus to South by: WHEELS
18. In 1972, Gateway staff went on strike and started their own paper called: POUNDMAKER
20. The first black female lawyer in Canada, and a U of A graduate: VIOLETKING