Brew Crew: Cottage Springs Beverage Co. Vodka Soda
Refreshing and light, this drink is an excellent alternative to White Claws
5% Alc./Vol.
6 x 355 mL cans
$11.99 at Sobeys Liquor
I discovered my love for vodka sodas through the revelation of my first White Claw earlier this summer.
They’re light, refreshing, and perfect for sweltering summer days. Since this first encounter, I have made it my personal mission to try as many different kinds of vodka sodas as possible and see if White Claw reigns supreme.
To my surprise and pleasure, RATT on the Patio had a vodka soda option that I hadn’t seen before in the Canadian-made Cottage Springs Beverage Co. Vodka Soda. I thought, What better way to start off a new school year than a vodka soda with some of the Gateway staff, and ordered it instantly. I got the Wild Cherry flavor so I could compare it directly with the Black Cherry White Claw, and because I generally love cherry flavors.
My vodka soda came out cold to the touch, condensation forming on the outside of the can. The drink had little to no aroma. I found the Wild Cherry flavour to be quite mild and not at all sweet. That, to me personally, is a huge plus, because I don’t like overpoweringly sweet drinks. The flavour was ever so slightly tart, but the best part was the gentle fizz and pleasant mouthfeel. That being said, I personally still prefer the Black Cherry White Claws because the fruit flavour is more pronounced than the Cottage Springs vodka soda — to be honest, I felt like I was drinking alcoholic sparkling water. Since then I have continued to enjoy it and its appealing taste.
If you like your drinks to have a sweet and syrupy flavour, this drink is not for you. If you enjoy the refreshing feeling of vodka sodas and appreciate bloating less in comparison to drinking beer, the Cottage Springs Beverage Co. Vodka Soda is a solid alternative to have.