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Pot Thots: Meet Your Strains, Part 2 — Sativa

Try out Sativa for a mind high

In our occasional column “Pot Thots,” our writers take us on a journey into the brave new world of legal weed.

Over four instalments of “Pot Thots,” we’re going over four major types of weed. In this second of four instalments, we’re introducing you to Indica’s fun-loving sister, Sativa.

This strain offers a mind high, which stimulates the creative receptors in your brain. You could call Sativa’s effects euphoric, energetic, uplifting, or even psychedelic. This is great for a daytime smoke session or a quick morning puff to keep you going for the day. Sativa helps to treat lethargy, PTSD, migraines, and depression.

Just like Indica, Sativa is sold at every dispensary and ranges in the exact same way as Indica does. Sativa is the easiest to green out on (which is what happens when you consume so much weed that you throw up), so generally people who have not smoked have a very low tolerance. I would recommend a pipe or joint. Again, however, I would suggest first smoking only half of a joint or three quarters of a bowl and seeing how you feel after. Since this strain induces a psychoactive high, it‘s easy to overdo it.    

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