Social Intercourse: February 3, 2017

Edmonton Opera’s Cinderella
Feb. 4 (8 p.m.), Feb. 7 (7:30 p.m.), and Feb. 9 (7:30 p.m.)
Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium
Tickets: $40.00+ (special pricing options available through Explorers and encore! programs)
This February, Edmonton Opera is presenting Rossini’s Cinderella (La Cenerentola). If you think you know Cinderella, think again. Rossini’s Cinderella replaces the wicked stepmother with a buffoonish step father, reimagines the fairy godmother as a wise philosopher and reunites Cinderella and the Prince through matching bracelets instead of glass slippers. It also tells Cinderella’s story entirely in Italian, with projected English translations… you know, for those who are not fluent in Italian. As well, director Robert Harriot and costume designer Deanna Finnman have moved Cinderella away from her castle and dropped her down in the 1950’s. With high couture inspired 1950’s fashion (custom made in Edmonton), a cast of celebrated Canadian artists and Rossini’s remarkable music, Edmonton Opera’s Cinderella is definitely something you won’t want to miss.
University of Alberta High School Honour Band Weekend
February 5 at 3 p.m
Winspear Centre
Tickets: $10.00
This Sunday, the most talented high school students from across the province join the Symphonic Wind Ensemble to perform masterworks and cutting edge music. This prestigious affair is conducted by Angela Shroeder. As well, the winner of the Department of Music Concerto Competition, Augustin Nguyen, will be present as a special guest. If you want to see some seriously talented musicians, or just want to relive your own glory days of playing the clarinet in high school, check out the Winspear this Sunday.
Black History Month 2017 at the Metro Cinema
Various days throughout February
Metro Cinema
Tickets: $12.00 for adults, $9.00 for students and seniors, and $6.00 for children 12 and under
This February marks the first time Black History Month will be officially recognized in Alberta. Which means, among other things, that this month presents a great opportunity to find black culture, history, and art on display around Edmonton. And, what better way to do just this than by visiting the Metro Cinema to enjoy their collection of Black History Month movies? Their selection of movies aren’t just educational, thoughtful, powerful and moving, but they’re also damn good (Moonlight, I Am Not Your Negro). As well, if you’re a student, mark your calendars for February 22nd as this marks the Gateway to Cinema’s showing of Moonlight at the Metro. All you need is a valid I.D to catch one of the best films of the year for free.
Super Bowl LI: New England Patriots vs. Atlanta Falcons
February 5 at 4:30 p.m.
Wherever you can find a T.V.
Just be there
For those of you who haven’t heard, there’s a little something called the Super Bowl going on this Sunday. Even if you’re not a football fan, it will still be worth tuning in just to see Lady Gaga perform at the Pepsi sponsored Halftime Show. If you thought Lady Gaga singing a national anthem was spectacular, just wait for what she’s going to do now that she has a whole half-time show. As well, this year marks the first year Canadians will be able to watch American Super Bowl ads on TV. So, we actually get the good commercials this year and don’t have to watch them all online afterwards. Now, if we could only upgrade to American Netflix. Grab a couch, some friends, and find yourself a spot to watch the Super Bowl. There’s something for everybody, from awesome musical performances, to great commercials and lively debates from the sports fans in you life about who’s actually going to win.