
Board of Governors — May 8, 2015

Graduate Students’ Associaton Fees Approved

The Board of Governors unanimously passed the Graduate Students’ Association fees for the 2015–16 academic year.

GSA membership fees were increased 2.2 per cent due to CPI in comparison to 2014–15 and will be assessed equally in fall and winter semesters.

Full-time graduate students will pay a $158.13 base fee and a $3.00 GSA dedicated fee, totaling $160.13 per academic year. Part-time graduate students will pay $118.60 plus the same $3.00 dedicated fee, equaling $121.60 per year.

The GSA’s dedicated fee includes $1 per term for CJSR and $0.50 per term for the Alberta Graduate Provincial Advocacy Council.

In 2014–15, full-time graduate students paid $157.73 per year while part-time students paid $119.05 per year.

The projected GSA Health Plan will cost full-time students $244.09 while the projected GSA Dental Plan will cost $184.56 per term, a total of $428.65 per annum. Graduate students will also be paying $12.00 per year for the Graduate Student Assistance Plan.

2015–16’s Health and Dental Plan was increased by eight per cent from the 2014–15 fees. Last year, graduate students paid $226.01 per annum for the Health Plan Fee and $170.89 for the Dental Plan fee, a total of $396.90.

Students’ Union Operating and Referendum Fees

U of A Students’ Union President Navneet Khinda proposed that the Board of Governors approve an increase to all Students’ Union Operating and Referendum fees by CPI (2.56 per cent).

The SU’s Health and Dental Plan will remain at $118.00 per annum and $116.50 per annum, respectively. Students can opt out of the SU Health and Dental Plan by the end of September.

The base undergraduate fee for full-time students is set at $82.24 per term, while business students will be assessed $89.74 per term and science students will be assessed $87.24 per term. The base fee for part-time students is set at $59.15 per term, with business students paying $66.65 per semester and science students paying $74.73 per semester.

Undergraduate referendum and dedicated fees will total $82.24, up from $79.08 a year ago for full-time students and $39.05 for part-time students, up from $38.08. These fees include the World Refugee Students ($0.47), CJSR ($2.12), the Golden Bear and Panda Legacy Fund ($4.25), Campus Recreation ($3.98), the Access Fund ($14.08), Student Legal Services ($0.73), APIRG ($3.44), the SUB Renovation Fund ($9.23).

The Landing’s Program new referendum fee, which was voted in by students during March’s SU elections, will cost $1.50 per term for all full- and part-time undergraduate students on North Campus.

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