For those who don’t live here, Canada might seem like a heaven on earth, with an extravagant and sluggish lifestyle that everyone yearns for. Purportedly standing in the face of the forces of right-wing populism, the country has constantly boasted of being a home for immigrants and Syrian refugees, especially under the leadership of its handsome prime minister Justin Trudeau.
However, the dream of Canada being an ideal country for people to thrive in without discrimination is continuously failing to line up with reality. Hate crimes, racism, and the rise of Islamophobia among the Canadian masses loom.
One incident that has recently sparked debates in Edmonton is that of two men who visited the Al Rashid mosque. One wore a toque with the word
Tyson Hunt, one of the two men who committed the act of provocation, told Global News they just wanted to use the bathroom and learn about Islam. He also added “I’ve got a tattoo on my neck that says ‘infidel’ as well… Christians don’t get offended by it… I’ve gotten more feedback by the Muslims than I have anybody else.”
However, these words only seem to throw smoke on what really happened. The history of the group’s activities
The purpose of the tattoo, as well as the act of scouting the mosque, then, are far from innocent. The group seems to specifically use the word
Whether or not these men wanted to learn about Islam, the fact that they seemed determined to provoke Muslims speaks volumes about the current political climate in Canada. The prevalence of hate-motivated crimes stands in stark contrast with Canada’s raison d’etre, which is premised on immigrants as a positive force for progress and development. While it may seem tempting for some to say that claims of Islamophobia rearing its head in Canada are
Islamophobia is still on the rise and poses an existential threat to liberal Canadian society. It’s incumbent on the local police to curb this group or at least
Islam, not Islamophobia, is the real threat to the Canadian way of life.