
SU forums shouldn’t take place during other important events

Usually hosting a Students’ Union forum at 6 p.m. in the Lister cafeteria would guarantee a high volume of residents at least half tuning in, but today wasn’t a normal day in Lister. The All-Star dodgeball game between Henday and Kelsey happened to be at 6 p.m. too. Apparently this was overlooked when scheduling the forum.

When it comes down to it, most Lister students would prefer to watch people throw balls at each other than Students’ Union candidates face off, and who can blame them? Lister residents shouldn’t have had to choose between the two events, one very important to Lister culture and the other very important to their university experience. Unfortunately this seems to demonstrate the chasm between Lister and the rest of the university.

Lister students were also forced to choose between the SU forum and the public information open house on the Lister 5 and East Campus Village 9 housing project, which took place between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. Conflicting schedules are counterproductive to all of our best interests.

I wish more Lister students could have been present at the event today because it was a deep look into every candidate’s ideas about residence. With so much changing in Lister and so much dissatisfaction with these changes we need to choose candidates that will protect our rights and enhance our experience. But we have to know about them first.

Sofia Osborne

Sofia is a fourth-year English major with a minor in philosophy. She's been writing for The Gateway since the first day of her first year because she wants to be Rory Gilmore when she grows up. Now, she's the Managing Editor and is in charge of the print magazine.

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