Campus Crime Beat — Oct. 14, 2015

Pickup Truck Picked Up
An off-duty University of Alberta Protective Services (UAPS) Officer was passing through South Campus when he noticed a brand new Ford pickup truck was parked by two young suspicious-looking individuals.
The two individuals, one male and one female, wandered into the Saville Centre’s women’s change room as the UAPS officer called for reinforcements. UAPS officers and Edmonton Police Services (EPS) officers arrived, and upon inspection, determined that the Ford truck was stolen.
EPS charged the individuals with stolen property and with trespassing on U of A property.
UAPS Acting Inspector Marcel Roth said the off-duty officer’s crime sense was crucial in catching the two culprits.
“Our ‘Spidey-sense’ was tingling that the individual (went into Saville Centre) to either commit a theft or to scope the area out while the male was keeping watch,” he said. “That drew our attention as doubly suspicious once they were engaging in that type of activity.”
Caught on Kijiji
A total of 10 locker thefts in CAB were reported to UAPS as broken into from mid- to late-September.One student who filled out a report to UAPS was searching for replacment items stolen from her locker on Kijiji, when she noticed her stolen propery on sale from one of the vendors.
The student reported the suspicious vendor to UAPS and EPS, and criminal charges have been laid.
Roth advises any students who had their locker broken into during that time frame call UAPS at 780-492-5050 or visit their office in the Education parkade, as they may have recovered their property.
Break-In Bonanza
Break-and-enters continue to climb at the U of A, as four break-ins were reported from Sept. 22 to oct. 9.
The Aboriginal Student Council located in the old Power Plant building received a mischievious surprise as they entered their office on Oct. 4, as some hot dog broke in and squirted mustard all over the vicinity. However, the office was able to relish in the fact that there were no signs of forced entry or stolen property.
The Second Cup in the Business Atrium is known to be a regular destination for students to get their caffeine fix, but lately it’s been a regular destination for break-ins. Between Oct. 6 and 7, the kiosk was broken into, although nothing was stolen. Roth attributes the open roof of the Second Cup as the reason why this is an easy destination for break-and-enters.
Students who kept their gaming supplies in the Medical Science Building lounge were left controller-less, as thieves made away with $700 worth of games, cables and systems on Sept. 24. There are currently no leads on the case.
Campus buildings and locker rooms are usually broken into, but this time PCL construction trailers fell victim to break-ins between Oct. 2 and 3. No significant property was stolen, and UAPS have not located any suspects.