NewsStudents' Union

SU Elections 2025: Augustana forum recap

The first University of Alberta Students' Union 2025 elections forum was held at Augustana Campus in Camrose.

The first forum of the University of Alberta Students’ Union (SU) 2025 elections was held at Augustana Campus on February 25. The event was offered in-person. 

Candidates were given 90 seconds each for opening statements, and each race was asked two questions by the SU’s Deputy Returning Officer (DRO), Amaan Khan. Afterwards, audience members had the opportunity to ask questions directed to specific races.

Here is the TL;DR version of this forum:

  • President: building community between campuses, advocating for Augustana students, decreasing student fees
  • Vice-president (external): SU engagement with the Augustana Students’ Association (ASA), securing government funding
  • Vice-president (operations and finance): engagement with Augustana students, increasing non-student revenue, and working with the ASA
  • Vice-president (academic): access to services and educational resources, connecting Augustana and North Campus
  • Vice-president (student life): residence, resources for mental health and support services, collaboration with ASA
  • Board of Governors Representative: resources, work opportunities, improving infrastructure
  • Period Equity Initiative: Club Periodically met ASA to discuss plan implementation
  • Single Source Cold Beverage Agreement: two perspectives for the plebiscite

Presidential candidates discuss increasing supports and engagement for Augustana students

Presidential candidate Joseph Sesek began his opening statement by explaining why he thinks that the SU is “doing a miserable job for the students it is meant to serve.” 

Lily Polenchuk Presidential candidate Joseph Sesek

“I promise to take a $10,000 salary cut to help free SU fees next year,” Sesek said. 

Sesek also said that there will be an SU executive at Augustana every week to hold scheduled office hours. 

Following Sesek, presidential candidate Ofure Eigbe said that she transferred to Augustana Campus in her second year and previously served as the International Students’ Representative for the Augustana Students’ Association (ASA). 

Eigbe stated that the three issues that she wants to focus on are effective communication, advocating for the Augustana shuttle, and battling against food insecurity by donating funds to the Augustana Food Pantry

Lily Polenchuk Presidential candidate Ofure Eigbe

“There are certain demands and food insecurity [is] all over campus, and Augustana is no different,” Eigbe said. 

Following Eigbe, presidential candidate Pedro Almeida said that he has enjoyed coming to Augustana Campus in the past, as he collaborated with Augustana during his time as 2023–24 vice-president (academic) (VPA). 

“The SU functions well in representing [Augustana] when we have that … culture of communication that I brought to the VPA position in last year’s executive,” Almeida said. “As president, that is what I’m hoping to bring back.” 

Almeida also said that he hopes to bring Augustana students’ concerns and amplify their voices to the Board of Governors (BoG) and the General Faculties Council (GFC) meetings. 

Following Almeida, presidential candidate Sophie Martel said that she is from Onion Lake Cree Nation in Treaty 6 Territory and that she is excited to bring a new perspective to the SU president role. Martel is the current president of the Indigenous Students’ Union (ISU).

Martel said that she is passionate about building campus community throughout Augustana, Campus Saint-Jean (CSJ), and North Campus. 

“I think that together we can have a bigger voice to start advocating for all of our issues because we all do face the same issues as students, particularly around accessibility, inclusivity, and communication, that the SU could be building with Augustana,” Martel said. 

Khan asked the presidential candidates if they plan to increase Augustana’s accessibility and inclusivity by conducting town hall meetings and engaging with students regularly. 

Sesek said that he plans to hold monthly Zoom meetings for Augustana students, in addition to weekly office hours. However, he also said that he would be willing to conduct town hall meetings at Augustana if students would prefer that. 

Eigbe said that she plans to conduct consultations with the ASA to learn more about issues that Augustana students face. She then plans to hold town hall meetings at Augustana to discuss these issues. 

Additionally, Eigbe said that she will send surveys and forms to students to gauge satisfaction from any changes that resulted from town hall meetings. 

Following Eigbe, Almeida said that he is willing to travel to Augustana for regular meetings, if that is what the ASA thinks is the best way to connect with students. He said that this decision will be decided by what Augustana students believe is most effective. 

Lily Polenchuk Presidential candidate Sophie Martel

Martel said that she plans to push for “real solutions, whether that means advocating for renovations, policy changes, or measures to make spaces on Augustana Campus more accessible for students.” 

She stated that she believes that SU executives should be on campus throughout the year, not just for elections or events. Additionally, she said that Augustana students “deserve to feel just as supported as other students” at the U of A. 

Khan asked the presidential candidates what each candidate would do that would be unique to Augustana campus. 

Sesek said he would rotate weekly office hours between himself and the other SU executives. He also said that he plans to have a monthly Zoom meeting with Augustana students where they will be able to voice their concerns. 

Following Sesek, Eigbe said that she plans to increase research opportunities available at Augustana. “It was really hard for me to get research jobs until I moved to North Campus,” she said. 

Lily Polenchuk Presidential candidate Pedro Almeida

Almeida said that Augustana has always been a key partner of the SU in getting meaningful change for students. He said that the path forward entails maintaining the SU’s partnership with Augustana and advocating together for issues that matter to students. 

Martel said that she would like to bring a “community-based approach” to the role that previous executives have not taken. She stated that by working together, the SU and Augustana can “shift the dynamic from short-term solutions to sustainable long-term change.” 

An Augustana student asked the presidential candidates how they plan to make Augustana an appealing place to enroll to encourage more students to come to Augustana.

Almeida said that “highlighting the benefits” for students coming to Augustana will be important. He also stated that collaborating with the ASA and going to visit rural high schools to promote Augustana is another strategy. 

Eigbe said that she plans to consult with the ASA to determine why Augustana has decreased enrolment, compared to North campus. She also said that she will use Augustana’s website to promote events and benefits that students will get if they come to Augustana campus. 

Sesek said that he will focus on improving transportation between the three campuses to combat a disconnect between Augustana, CSJ, and North Campus. He also plans to promote online courses to “decrease costs and [allow] students from farther away to join.” 

Following Sesek, Martel said that she will work with the ASA to promote Augustana in both cities and rural areas. She stated that she will raise awareness of Augustana’s “smaller class sizes” and “tight-knit community” as well as build connections between Augustana and North Campus. 

ASA VPSL Logan Driedger asked all candidates who have promised to maintain regular office hours at Augustana “what they truly expect from just coming and sitting and doing office hours” at Augustana. 

Sesek said that he is “really passionate about the promises that [he is] making and that [he] fully intend[s] to go through with them.” He also stated that he does not have expectations for what he wants to get out of holding office hours at Augustana, but he is “looking forward to finding out.” 

Eigbe stated that she does not plan to hold regular office hours. She said that she does plan to attend events such as the ASA’s Clash of Cultures or Beer & Bands so that students can approach and sit down to talk with her. 

Almeida and Martel did not answer the question.

– Peris Jones

VPX candidates discuss securing government funding and engaging with Augustana students

Lily Polenchuk VPX candidate Abdul Abbasi

In his opening statement, vice-president (external) (VPX) candidate Abdul Abbasi outlined his experience with student governance, mentioning his previous roles as an ASA councillor and an Augustana councillor for the SU. Abbasi is also the current VPX.

He also stated his intention to advocate for an operating grant increase to ensure “more funding for Augustana.”

VPX candidate Juan Munoz discussed his intention to secure more governmental funding. He added that he plans to promote student jobs and mental health services. 

“Education deserves more support from the government. We are the future, and the future deserves investment,” Munoz said. 

VPX candidate Nate Goetz, current Augustana councillor for the SU, emphasized the importance of including the ASA in the SU’s external advocacy. 

“External advocacy needs to be more than about one initiative for Augustana. It needs to be about fixing all the issues that Augustana students face every single day.”

Lily Polenchuk VPX candidate Juan Munoz

Khan asked the candidates what external advocacy initiatives they would take for Augustana students, if elected.

Abbasi said he would continue consulting the ASA about the issues facing Augustana students. 

Munoz emphasized his focus on advocating to the provincial and federal government for student financial relief. 

Goetz discussed working with the ASA to foster a relationship between the organization and the City of Camrose, as “right now, that connection does not really exist.”

Lily Polenchuk VPX candidate Nate Goetz

Additionally, Khan asked what the candidates would do that would be unique to Augustana campus. 

Abbasi said that being a student at Augustana gives him a “different perspective” on the campus. He added that he will continue to work with the ASA to “try to make sure that every voice is represented.” 

Munoz mentioned a disparity of student opportunities between Augustana and North Campus. He said he will “fight for bringing equity, opportunity, and representation to Augustana.” 

Goetz emphasized Augustana’s lack of funding and “lowering enrollment rates.” He said will “advocate for more professional programs to be brought to Augustana.”

Kathryn Johnson

VPOF candidates emphasize Augustana engagement

In his opening statement, Levi Flaman, who is running to be re-elected for a third term for vice-president (operations and finance) (VPOF), discussed what he has achieved in his current term. He also highlighted what he would work on if re-elected, such as “time and process inefficiencies.”

Lily Polenchuk VPOF candidate Levi Flaman

Flaman spoke on how he wants to streamline the student group re-registration process and “implement performance metrics.”

In his opening statements, VPOF candidate and SU arts councillor Nathan Thiessen emphasized his commitment to “constant engagement” with students at Augustana. He also emphasized how he wants to “meaningfully [communicate] with the ASA.”

VPOF candidate Ryley Bazinet explained how he is a “regular student” who is frustrated with rising SU fees and missed opportunities. Additionally, he said he would hold regular office hours at Augustana. He also stated his intention to take a salary cut if elected.

Lily Polenchuk VPOF candidate Ryley Bazinet

“If elected, I promise to take a $10,000 salary cut to help freeze or reduce SU fees, because if we’re serious about affordability, we’ve got to start with ourselves,” Bazinet said.

When asked by Khan about how the VPOF candidates plan to increase student engagement, Flaman emphasized wanting to revitalize the co-curricular record (CCR). Flaman described the CCR as “an extracurricular version of your academic transcript.”

Thiessen spoke about promoting the UASU Perks app to increase engagement with Augustana students. Additionally, he emphasized utilizing “UASU digital signage through SU televisions.”

Bazinet brought up office hours and proposed “regularly meeting with students … [and] working [closely] with the ASA.”

Khan asked what VPOF candidates would do that is unique to Augustana students. Flaman recalled the FlixBus pilot project, and said he wants to continue the project in a new capacity.

Lily Polenchuk VPOF candidate Nathan Thiessen

“I want to take what we learned from the FlixBus pilot and apply those lessons to a new partnership. One that ensures a long-term, sustainable route without imposing extra fees,” Flaman said.  

Thiessen said he wants to “incorporate” Augustana voices and “[work] with the ASA to understand what students need here, right now for solutions.”

Bazinet expressed that he wants to “assist” the ASA to address the needs of Augustana students. 

The Gateway asked VPOF candidates if they will prioritize non-student revenue for Augustana students, considering the majority of SU-owned businesses are at North Campus, and if so, how.

Flaman expressed interest in opening an SU-owned business at Augustana, but re-iterated that doing so is restricted by the “approval to buy or lease real estate.”

Thiessen stated that this will “not be a priority of [his].” 

“First and foremost, [the] priority should be Augustana students, not a budget item,” Thiessen said.

Bazinet said he plans to “help the ASA in their investment strategies.”  

“The UASU doesn’t need a business here. I think the ASA should have more businesses here, because ultimately they’re more responsible for the [Augustana] students,” Bazinet stated.  

The VPSL of the ASA, Logan Driedger, asked all candidates how they planned on following through with their promises to hold office hours at Augustana. Only Bazinet and Thiessen answered.

Thiessen expressed how he “did not promise” office hours because “that’s not what Augustana students are asking for.”

Bazinet emphasized the importance of listening to Augustana students.

“I hope I can build that trust with you. I really want to give Augustana the best experience you can get.”

 — Brooklyn Hollinger

CORRECTION: This article was update on 12:02 p.m. on February 26 to include Nathan Thiessen’s response to the question about office hours. The Gateway regrets this error.

VPA candidates discuss accessibility and increasing awareness of students’ understanding of programs

In his opening remark, vice-president (academic) (VPA) candidate Aamir Mohamed said his campaign focuses on “feelings, student development, student impact, and accessibility.” He noted that he wants to bring students closer together and ensure equal opportunity between students at Augustana and North Campus.

Lily Polenchuk VPA candidate Manyu Rathour

Manyu Rathour said that he stands for increased mental health accommodations, transparency of funds, inclusivity in education, and the unionizing of all students. 

Rathour said he would fulfill “the big claims that are provided in the university’s website” that fall short of funding.  He also pledged to provide equal psychiatric services for Augustana students.

In her opening remarks, Katie Tamsett explained that she was running with the goal to better resolve academic complaints, improve menstrual accommodations, and build a better relationship with Augustana. In terms of menstrual accommodations, she wants to “help destigmatize sexual health” at the U of A. 

Khan asked the candidates what action they planned to take  regarding the First Day Access Program.

Lily Polenchuk VPA candidate Aamir Mohamed

Mohamed responded that “educational resources are for all students. We need to make sure that they’re accessible.” Regarding the First-Day Access Program, he said it’s “largely a money grab scheme. It preys on students” who don’t fully understand it. Rathour would aim to ensure the First Day Access Program is opt-in instead of opt-out. As well, he would aim to create awareness about this program so students know they do not have to pay for it.

Tamsett also said she would prioritize making students aware that they can opt-out of the First Day Access Program and try to reduce general costs. She would work with residence associations to raise awareness about the program during orientation and work “with the Teaching and Learning Centre to speak to instructors.”

Lily Polenchuk VPA candidate Katie Tamsett

Khan asked the candidates what they would do as VPA that would be unique to Augustana. 

Mohamed cited Augustana’s uniqueness in it having the Augustana Advantage, but how it is being “demolished and moved into a 14 week program,” but that “it’s not demolished, but rather expanded.” He cites providing the same services that North Campus has in replacement, like the Career Centre. 

Rathour noted how “there’s only one psychological counselor on ground for Augustana” and that it is “highly unfair.” He also mentions how there is a shortage of funds in Augustana and that he will “advocate for funds.” 

Tamsett noted that  “Augustana is incredibly unique compared to North Campus.” She will work to develop a relationship with Augustana as VPA. Overall, she wants to “connect with ASA and support them in whatever way that we feel is best.” 

No audience questions were asked during the open forum.

— Liam Hodder

VPSL candidates discuss student support services and ASA collaboration

In her opening remarks, vice-president (student life) VPSL candidate Logan West said that she is focused on improving outreach and relationships with Augustana. 

Lily Polenchuk VPSL candidate Logan West

“I promise to be dedicated and considerate in my approach to advocating for the Augustana student body and working with the ASA to create positive change for all of us,” West said. 

VPSL candidate Nikka Pakhomova commented on Access, Community, and Belonging (ACB) in her opening statement, and said the university initiative inspired her. 

“I want to strengthen the U of A community and give everybody a sense of belonging by making sure their voices are being heard,” Pakhomova said. 

ISA co-president and VPSL candidate Ramish Raza said that he wants to “go out and advocate for more mental resources and other student wellness resources, [and] for more community outreach by collaborating with [the] ASA.”

Lily Polenchuk VPSL candidate Saim Khokhar

VPSL candidate Saim Khokhar stated that he plans to deal with “programming oversight for student groups, as well as student engagement.” Khokhar previously served as the ASA’s vice-president (finance). 

Khan asked the candidates what steps they would take to increase accessibility to mental health supports for Augustana students.

West said that she would start a conversation about “looking for a full-time counsellor,” as well as potentially reducing the cost of therapy services for students. 

Pakhomova expressed that she wants “to really make sure students are aware of the resources already in place.” She also spoke about setting up an anonymous support group for students. 

Lily Polenchuk VPSL candidate Ramish Raza

Raza said that he would “look into the possibility of having collaboration [with the] Peer Support Center [(PSC)]” and that Augustana needs more counsellors as well. 

Khokhar started by acknowledging mental health was a “serious concern.” He added that the current hiring freeze means that “the university is not able to hire more people.”

Khan then asked the candidates what they would do that would be unique to Augustana campus. 

West said that she plans to have a “people first approach,” meaning she will be “meeting students where they’re at and forging genuine, authentic relationships with the ASA.”

Lily Polenchuk VPSL candidate Nikka Pakhomova

Pakhomova stated that some of her commitments are in having “permanent and sustainable modes of transportation between Augustana and North Campus.” 

Raza spoke about making sure that students “no longer feel lonely” during academic breaks and stated he plans to collaborate with the ASA to help facilitate services to accomplish that. 

Khokhar mentioned starting with programs that are not as engaged with. He provided an example of the Augustana student newspaper, the Dagligtale, and said that the Dagligtale “could be benefited by the SU in navigating” possible autonomy. Khokhar was the former editor-in-chief of the Dagligtale.

The candidates were not asked a question during question period.

Gabriella Menezes

BoG candidates discuss advocating for more work opportunities and resources for Augustana students

In her opening statement, Angelina Raina, Board of Governors (BoG) representative race candidate, said she will work on finding accommodations, support long time residence concerns, and make an effort to be present at Augustana to make sure BoG decisions include Augustana.

Lily Polenchuk BoG Representative candidate Angelina Raina

Following Raina, Karina Banerji stated the three pillars of her campaign: affordability, accessibility, and advocacy. She said she would focus on making sure resources will be brought to Augustana campus and are easily accessible online.

Khan asked candidates how they would advocate for Augustana interest at the BoG committee. 

Raina said she has consulted and shadowed former BoG representatives. Additionally, she said she has reviewed the information from current BoG rep Adrien Lam’s anonymous survey platform to form her advocacy plans.

“Augustana advocacy needs to be geared around determination issues, academic advising, and other accommodations, along with continuing to make sure the culture of Augustana flourishes,” Raina said.

She added that she will advocate for funding dedicated to infrastructure on the provincial level and continue to build relations with university administration and ASA. 

Lily Polenchuk BoG Representative candidate Karina Banerji

Banerji talked about improving infrastructure. She mentioned that inclusivity should be improved, specifically with the inclusion of gender-neutral washrooms on campus.

The candidates were also asked what they would do as BoG representatives that would be unique to Augustana.

Raina highlighted that Augustana is known for its research opportunities. She intends to collaborate with the BoG and the ASA to have career fairs and job shadowing opportunities.

Banerji said she will focus on improving access to resources and extending work and research opportunities to Augustana students.

“Working to improve access to resources we have a lot at the SU, but also making sure that we can get them here on Augustana [like] increasing transportation options between campuses to make sure that all resources are equally accessible to all students,” Banerji said.

– Lale Fassone

Period Equity Initiative has plans with ASA, is ready to move forward if students vote yes

Tracy Cui, president of Club Periodically, the student group who is running the Period Equity Initiative referendum, presented at the forum.

Lily Polenchuk Tracy Cui

According to Cui, the intent of the referendum is “to increase the accessibility of menstrual products across all three of the U of A campuses, which of course, includes Augustana.”

She said that Club Periodically has already met with ASA and Driedger to discuss how the initiative would be implemented at Augustana.

“We’ve got pretty solid plans on that front, and now we just need to make sure that this referendum passes so that we can get those plans executed,” Cui said. 

Cui said the plans consist of adding more menstrual products to washrooms in the form of baskets and dispensers.

– Lale Fassone

The SSCBA explains the plebiscite’s revolvement around ethics and choice

The no-side for the Single Source Cold Beverage Agreement (SSCBA) was presented by Bassam Dakhel at the forum. 

Lily Polenchuk Bassam Dakhel

Dakhel highlighted the current agreement status, which entails an “exclusive” deal with the Coca-Cola Company to provide all cold beverages on U of A campuses. 

According to Dakhel, the plebiscite revolves around two points — an ethical perspective and a choice perspective. 

“The plebiscite doesn’t specify a company, but realistically, only Coca-Cola or Pepsi would be the companies for this agreement. From the ethical perspective, both companies have been guilty of benefiting from illegally occupied Palestinian territory, and have had business relationships with businesses that have contributed to the recent genocide in Gaza,” Dakhel said.

“A lot of student groups are against this agreement because they feel like it restricts their options,” he added.

– Lale Fassone

CORRECTION: This article was updated at 9:34 a.m. on February 26 to correct the spelling Amaan Khan. The Gateway regrets this error.

Kathryn Johnson

Kathryn Johnson is the 2024-25 Staff Reporter. She is a fourth-year political science student.

Brooklyn Hollinger

Brooklyn is the 2024-25 Arts & Culture Editor at The Gateway. She previously served as the 2023-24 Deputy Opinion Editor. She is a Classics major and Creative Writing minor. She is a lover of fantasy books, peach iced tea, and can usually be found obsessing over pictures of her dog Zoey.

Lale Fassone

Lale Fassone is the 2024-25 Sports Reporter. She is studying media studies and linguistics. She served as the Deputy Arts and Culture Editor in spring 2022, Deputy Sports Reporter for 2023-2024 and Deputy News Editor in Summer 2023 and 2024. She loves eating strawberries while watching the same rom-com over again.

Peris Jones

Peris Jones is the 2024-25 News Editor at The Gateway. She previously served as the 2023-24 Deputy News Editor. She is in her third year, studying media studies and English. In her free time, she loves going to the gym, shopping, and watching movies with her friends.

Liam Hodder

Liam is a third year media studies student. He's a musician and likes skateboarding and Magic the Gathering.

Gabriella Menezes

Gabriella Menezes is the 2024-25 Staff Reporter. She's a second-year student studying sociology.

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