NewsStudents' Union

Notes from Council: Update on National Standard for Mental Health implementation

According to assistant dean Kevin Friese, the National Standard for Mental Health aligns with other university action plans.

“Notes from Council” is The Gateway’s ongoing series of recaps of noteworthy items from Students’ Council meetings.

At the February 4 meeting of the University of Alberta Students’ Union (UASU) Students’ Council, the Dean of Students (DoS) office presented an update on the implementation of the National Standard for Mental Health and Well-Being of Post-Secondary Students. Additionally, the International House Community Council (IHCC) presented their updated Student Representative Association Membership Fee (SRAMF) proposal to council.

A presentation from the U of A’s Safety and Security Committee was tabled until next council meeting.

U of A to implement National Standard for mental health

The National Standard involves a set of guidelines for the promotion of student well-being. The implementation will align with other university action plans such as the Student Experience Action Plan (SEAP), Kevin Friese, assistant dean (student health and wellness), said.

The standard’s purpose is “to better co-ordinate the efforts of mental health supports and services provided by student organizations, University Student Services, faculties, and groups at the U of A,” Friese said. Between 2022–24, the National Standard working group conducted various student consultations across all U of A campuses. A Student Mental Health Action Plan is under development and is set to release later in the term, Friese added.

Chelsea Butler, National Standard co-ordinator, presented the plan’s key action items. These include promoting existing mental health services; expanding the orientation timeline; integrating mental health education into classroom settings; creating more peer support opportunities; and increasing the accessibility of mental health services.

The plan also emphasizes the need for culturally sensitive mental health support for international students, Gurleen Kaur, National Standard undergraduate intern, said.

UASU President Lisa Glock mentioned her efforts to get the Recovery-Friendly Campus Pledge signed and asked if this would align with their goals for campus recovery. Friese said that the pledge aligns with “the core principles of the action plan and the National Standard itself.”

Business councillor Owen Pasay asked if the action plan will address the mental health needs of all students, regardless of severity. Friese said that there are times when wellness services have to prioritize clients based on “degree of need.” Friese added that the National Standard committee is taking a “stepped care approach” to address the variety of student wellness needs.

U of A IHCC presents SRAMF proposal

Lee Hughes, co-facilitator for IHCC, presented an updated proposal for a $50 yearly SRAMF. Only residents of International House (I-House) would pay this fee. According to Hughes, this fee would support IHCC-run events. Hughes emphasized the importance of IHCC events for building community within I-House.

Pasay stated his appreciation for addressing council’s previous concerns, although he expressed concerns about IHCC’s budget composition. Specifically, Pasay raised concern about IHCC’s savings and surplus being listed as expense items, “as that leads to a misrepresentation of a balanced budget on [IHCC’s] end.”

Additionally, arts councillor Angelina Raina asked how the UASU can be assured of the reliability of the IHCC and their ability to handle finances considering concerns were brought up previously. Hughes said that the disorganization stemmed from the closure of I-House two years ago and other “extenuating circumstances.”

Board and committee business

The motion to approve the contract for Rubric to be implemented and replace BearsDen as the student group software passed. The transition follows “many years of hard work” and will be “more accessible and beneficial for all student groups,” Vice-president (student life) Renson Alva said.

The motion to approve the first principles of fee governance restructuring also passed. This restructuring regularizes how the UASU manages the fees they charge, Marc Dumouchel, UASU general manager, said. Additionally, the motion to approve the IHCC SRAMF to be drafted by bylaw committee passed.

Kathryn Johnson

Kathryn Johnson is the 2024-25 Staff Reporter. She is a fourth-year political science student.

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