
Protestors removed from BoG meeting, People Strategy approved

The Board of Governors unanimously approved the People Strategy, which aims to create the "right environment in which people can thrive."

On October 11, the Board of Governors (BoG) held its first meeting of the 2024-25 academic year. Indigenous Elder Dr. Francis Whiskeyjack led a smudging ceremony and shared a song to begin the meeting.

BoG starts each meeting with a presentation from a University of Alberta researcher. John Lewis, a professor in the department of experimental oncology, presented on his lab’s work in translational oncology. Lewis is also the Bird Dogs chair in translational oncology.

Although his lab focuses on prostate cancer, the research applies to different cancers, Lewis said.

“We’ve been trying to move research done in my lab through a large network of collaborators throughout Alberta and throughout the world, to try to make an impact on patients — specifically in the area of early detection of cancer and treatment of cancer.”

During Lewis’ presentation, a silent protest occurred. Protestors held posters that said “Disclose, Divest, Defend,” “Divest from genocide,” and “Zionism is a cancer.”

“We welcome you to observe and sit here quietly. My job as chair is to keep the meeting, and the business of the meeting going. And so, if anybody creates a disturbance I will have to have them removed,” board Chair Kate Chisholm said.

As President and Vice-chancellor Bill Flanagan began his report, the protestors started chanting and were immediately removed by peace officers.

“You chose violence over dialogue and brutalized our students,” one protester said, referring to the forced Palestine solitary encampment removal from Main Quad in May. “You betrayed students and you don’t have the confidence of the faculty,” another protestor said. The protest continued outside of University Hall.

People Strategy unanimously approved

During his report, Flanagan said that the new vice-president (international and enterprise) portfolio has launched. The portfolio — which was approved by BoG in June — will work on international engagement and international student growth.

BoG member and chair of the Board Human Resources and Compensation Committee (BHRCC), Tom Ross, introduced the People Strategy, which was up for approval at this BoG meeting. The strategy aims to “cultivat[e] a vibrant and inclusive community where people at all levels thrive professionally and personally,” according to the draft plan.

“BHRCC is very pleased to recommend the approval of this plan,” Ross said. On September 23, the General Faculties Council (GFC) approved to recommend that BoG approve the plan.

Provost and Vice-president (academic) Verna Yiu described the purpose of the People Strategy.

“We are a people organization, and we can’t really achieve any of our goals if we don’t actually have the right environment in which people can thrive,” Yiu said. “This strategy is all about creating that environment and supporting that environment.”

The People Strategy was unanimously approved.

Financial update shows change in budgeted deficit

According to Todd Gilchrist, vice-president (university services, operations and finance), the university is trending towards a $37.1 million deficit for this fiscal year. The budgeted deficit is $46.2 million, he said.

“That budgeted deficit is due to the government giving us access to our institutional carry-forward [funds]. So it’s planned, it’s approved, and it’s not operational,” Gilchrist said.

“The change in the deficit is the result of greater than anticipated investment incomes, lower than anticipated utility rates, and a slower rate of accessing those carry-forwards.”

Lily Polenchuk

Lily Polenchuk is the 2024-25 Editor-in-Chief of The Gateway. She previously served as the 2023-24 Managing Editor, 2023-24 and 2022-23 News Editor, and 2022-23 Staff Reporter. She is in her second year, studying English and political science.

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