Campus LifeNews

Streeters: Alberta Election 2023

The Gateway asked several students to share their thoughts on the provincial election.

Today is Alberta’s Election Day, and voters have the final opportunity to head to the polls and vote for the candidate of their choice.

The Gateway asked students at the University of Alberta’s North Campus to share their thoughts on the provincial election.

What are your thoughts on the provincial election?

Desmond Daniels
Jonas Smith

Desmond Daniels — Economics II

“Provincial elections are great. They are a way to have a new form of change, where new initiatives and policies can be brought into the province. I just hope whoever wins brings something different and new.”

Seamus Muldrew
Jonas Smith

Seamus Muldrew — Urban Planning I

“I’ve already voted — this election is just so important. First of all, we’ve never had the opportunity to elect a progressive Government of Alberta alone. Last time, it was because the Progressive Conservatives and the Wildrose split the vote. But, this is a real sign of change in Alberta.

It’s also so important for university students, because the United Conservative Party (UCP) is not the party that is going to prioritize funding for students, especially at the U of A. Our main provincial university is public and that’s already the first reason for the UCP to not have any interest in it.”

Tony Yuen
Jonas Smith

Tony Yuen — Economics III

“I think it’s really important that students go and vote. As everybody knows, tuition is going up like crazy and I hope whoever is in the new government responds to the concerns of students.

The other thing I have in mind is healthcare, because my family doctor retired last year. It took my mom three months to find a new family doctor that could meet all of our needs. So I hope whoever it is in the new government also responds to family healthcare.”

What do you think is the most important issue in this election?

Megane Beausejour
Jonas Smith

Megane Beausejour – Masters in Food Science I

“I think that for the provincial election, the most important issue would be environmental issues.”

Mayada Rahal
Jonas Smith

 Mayada Rahal — Design III

“I think mostly the increase in prices and tuition. In general, I think that is the biggest problem everyone is suffering from. Especially students, who can’t afford the luxuries of life, or can’t afford to buy everything they need with prices increasing. You need support when you’re a student.”

Hania Tariq
Jonas Smith

Hania Tariq — General Sciences III

“I think the most important issue would be tuition increasing for students.”

Do you plan on voting in the election?

Safa Awan
Jonas Smith

Safa Awan — Psychology I

“Yes, I do plan to this year.”

Mikeela Cooper
Jonas Smith

Mikeela Cooper — Education II

“I do plan on voting in this provincial election.”

Samah Jawad
Jonas Smith

Samah Jawad — Physics I

“Yeah I would like to vote in an election soon. Right now, I’m just a permanent resident. When I do get my citizenship, I’d like to participate in elections.”

Jonas Smith

Jonas Smith was the 2023-2024 Executive Director at The Gateway. He previously served as the Deputy Photo Editor. He’s in his second year studying Political Science and Sociology. He loves photography and longboarding. He spends a lot of his free time at the movie theatre with his friends.

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