The Hobby Hole: Pinterest vision board
The first step to achieving your dreams is visualizing your success

The Hobby Hole is a series where our writers share their hobbies and interests.
Pinning pictures on Pinterest is a fun and relaxing way for me to spend my scheduled breaks from work.
I have gotten lots of pleasure from creating Pinterest boards with pictures ranging from my interest in architecture, to natural hair, to fashion, to fitness goals. The boards act as inspiration; they remind me of the things that I aspire towards and what makes me tick.
Growing up, I used to stare at my Pinterest for hours, but eventually I realized I was wasting my time being idle and decided to develop my hobby.
I learned from the book Success Is Who You Are by Sam Adeyemi that what you visualize can become reality. For me, this meant if I taped pictures of what I want in my future somewhere I could see them often, and prayed and believed in the manifestation of those dreams, they might happen.
After I learned that piece of wisdom, I had to try it for myself. Over time, my Pinterest hobby transformed from just pinning pictures online to printing the pictures and taping them to my bedroom walls (it seems like a lot of work, but it is a breeze if you really enjoy it).
Many of the pictures on my vision board are my dreams for the future, and I was even able to accomplish one of those dreams through the power of visualization and prayer when I was in high school.
When I was in high school I was inspired to get a scholarship, so I printed a scholarship certificate, filled it out, and placed it on my bedroom wall. But years passed and I wasn’t able to find any scholarships that I was eligible for. By twelfth grade I had given up hope on my dream.
Eventually, I was asked by a family member to apply for the Alexander Rutherford Scholarship. I was still discouraged and I did not want to apply because I was sure there was a tedious essay I would have to write, something I was not accustomed to at the time. After some encouragement I applied, and I was glad that there was no essay required! By the start of university I received the high school scholarship I had always wanted, and I was inspired to try for more scholarships.
Years have passed since that accomplishment, but I am still amazed by how some dreams of the dreams on my vision board have occurred. As for the others, I patiently remain praying and dreaming.