I don’t know my classmate’s name and at this point I’m too scared to ask
Well, it's too late now

Yup. It’s that point in the semester. I’ve been talking to the person beside me for weeks now before class, shooting the shit about assignments and readings and the papers that are gonna be due.
It’s not like we’re super-close friends or anything. We don’t really interact beyond those before-class chats. But we’re working on a group project, and to be frank I have no fucking idea what their name is.
It’s way too late in the semester for this shit. I can’t ask now!! I would look like a fraud. Our acquaintanceship, humble as it is, would shatter instantly. I don’t need that kind of stress in my life.
I tried asking them for their email, you know, for the project. Then I could just have Gmail autocomplete their name and it wouldn’t be a problem. But you know what they did? They just said, “oh, just type in my name in Gmail and I’ll pop up.”
What the FUCK?! I couldn’t admit to them then that I didn’t know their name. So you know what I said back? “Oh haha, yes, you’re right, I’ll just do that!”
I am so STUPID.
We are going to fail this project.