Anisa Salazar
Fourth-year psychology
Why did you dress up like this today?
I got this outfit based on the movie Clueless. The main character has matching suit outfits and I totally dig them. I like having those fun fashion items with the whole 90’s vibe.
How would you describe your personality and how does that relate to your fashion?
I‘m a really bubbly person. I’m nice and outgoing and happy all the time. I try to do that with my fashion where it is comfortable, but chic.
What’s your sense of style?
I’m trying to move towards sustainable shopping, but still trying to fit my personality and aesthetics. I’m trying to move toward getting things that are second-hand or vintage. I can still look for things that are more like my style, but I feel that I’m doing better for the environment and our world by going to second-hand places.
What would be your fashion tip to the public?
Don’t dress how you think people in the media are portrayed and try not to follow the trends that is going on today. Rather, try to fit clothes that make you feel good about yourself and fit you and your person and your body. Dressing for yourself and not for other people.
In one word how would you describe today’s outfit?