Film Review: Joker
Joker is a modern-day Taxi Driver, as we watch a man's life spiral downwards

First off, let me say,
The movie follows Arthur Fleck, a clown
Joaquin Phoenix is startlingly perfect for the role. His acting is what makes the film work as something more than an interesting concept. He truly embodies the character of Arthur Fleck, reportedly losing 52 pounds for the role. In an interview with Premiere magazine, Phoenix says after getting the role, he wanted the director’s
There have been many different directions that the character of Joker has taken: a goon, a psychopath, a tortured soul. There have been both portrayals of him being related and not related to Batman. However, he has always been an unusual character; the degree that he is provocative or compelling is dependent on who is portraying the character. Phoenix’s interpretation focuses on how society pushes Arthur into becoming the Joker.
Having this movie not connected to the rest of the DC universe makes it stronger. It did not need to tie into five other movies or shoehorn in references; it doesn’t need that to work. It stands apart from the superhero film genre that we are used to seeing. It’s not the first movie to focus on the villain, but it’s not really a deconstruction of the superhero mythos. It’s just something that feels new.
This movie is rated R for a reason; it is violent, dark, and, at times, hard to watch. When Arthur is forced to protect himself from drunken businessmen he takes it too far, killing two in self-defense and hunting the last one. Although the audience can sympathize with Arthur at points, his execution of the final businessman is presented as rash, which is shown through the quick pacing and camera movements. I don’t think it glorifies gun violence; instead, the scenes with violence were presented as horrifying.
The film is exactly as brutal as you think an R-rated Joker would be, but the portrayal of the character is unexpected and, no doubt,