Fashion Streeters: Nathanial Fair and Tom Kuntz
Two industrial design students show us their drip

Fashion Streeters is a series where we ask UAlberta community members about their outfits and style.
Nathanial Fair and Tom Kuntz are both in their third year of industrial design at the U of A.
How would you describe what you are wearing today?
Nathanial: I was going to be late to class so I grabbed the first thing that had some resembling of color theory then I put my jacket on top.
Tom: I went with pretty much all black everything except I realized this shirt was inside out when I grabbed it.
What is your sense of style?
Tom: Mainly, thrifty. I would say I don’t go for the average outfit. I don’t want to spend money on hip clothes. We have to balance, “I want to look nice, but I’m doing something messy.”
Nathanial: *Nods in agreement.*
What is your favourite colour?
Nathanial: Doesn’t look like it, but I usually wear a lot of blue. Today’s not a blue day.
Tom: I like yellow a lot. I like bright pops on like a plain canvas.
Which would you prefer: natural colours or bright colours?
Tom: If it was like, desert island, I am going to go with natural.
Nathanial: I would go with bright colors.