Streeters: How much do you think you pay in SU fees?

With all the discussion around student fees, The Gateway asked students how much they think they pay a year in Students’ Union fees.
Full-time undergraduate students not at Augustana Campus pay $193.36 a year in SU membership fees and per-term dedicated fees. This excludes Faculty Association Membership Fees (FAMFs) and the health and dental plan.
The full fee break-down can be found here.

Keaton Dixon-Reusz — Engineering I
“No idea, I have no idea at all…a couple hundred I think, I don’t know.”

Athena Tillie — Science I
“I heard it wasn’t a lot, so a hundred-ish.”

Max Eberle — Engineering I
“I’d say, $200?”

Aiden Svitich (Far right) — Engineering I
“More than nine, less than 400…I don’t know, I actually don’t know.”

Owen Cornell — ALES I
“Probably about $5,000.”

Jackson Campbell — Education III
“I don’t really have any idea, but I think maybe $100.”

Maheen Khan — Science II
“$200, $300.”

Oluwatomisin Osunnaike — Engineering I
“2,000 or 1,000.”

Nicholas Ramsperter — Engineering IV

Epharh Oyama (Left)— Kinesiology III
“I’d say 235.”
Zacharie Skoko (Right) — Engineering V

Nathan Archibald — Medicine and Dentistry III
“200 bucks.”

Reece Stewart (Left) — Nursing II
“I would say around 800.”
Rachel Heselgrave (Right) — Nursing II
“Actually no clue, cause they just lump it all together, so I’m going to say 300 bucks, I have no idea though.”