Streeters: How do you feel about Students’ Union elections?
Over the next two weeks, candidates for the current Students’ Union election will be in full campaign mode. So during reading week, The Gateway asked six students, “How do you feel about Students’ Union elections?”
Anthony Pham — Engineering v
“I don’t know quite a bit about it. I’ve seen a lot of bulletin boards lately on campus about it. I actually have a friend who wants to run for it. But other than that, I don’t really keep track of university politics.”
Abbie Brodhead — ALES III
“It’s kind of cool. I kind of feel like I vote for it and then I don’t really hear anything about it afterwards, but it’s kind of fun.”
Kulsoom Ahmed — Arts I
“From what I know, they are students that represent other students? I don’t know if I’m going to vote or whatever because I don’t really know anything about it. But I have been seeing posters around.”
Veronica Ortiz-Zelada — Arts I
“I am excited.”
Jenna Mulji — Science III
“I think it’s going to be a lot harder to vote this year because… there’s a lot of good candidates, especially in the positions that have more than one candidate, but there’s also a lot of positions that only have one candidate. So yeah, I think its going to be interesting, and exciting, and fun this year.”
Daniel Chu — Open Studies I
“I generally don’t participate, ever. A lot of the times I feel it doesn’t really affect me, the issues. The only thing I generally care about is tuition, and I think the province froze them currently.”