Streeters: How much do you spend on coffee per week?
Turns out, some students really like their coffee

As the semester comes to a close, students might be waiting in a Tim Hortons line for 30 minutes, pondering just how much money they’re willing to shell out on coffee to push through finals. The Gateway asked students just how much they spend on coffee a week.

Tamara Blesse — Open Studies I
“I would say twenty bucks for me, personally. I get a large, so that’s two dollars, and I usually have two a day. That’s even on the weekend, too, so it’s actually pretty bad. Probably doubles during finals, because I’m going to be here on campus and I’ll need to get more caffeine in me.”

Luc Topolnyski — Arts III
“I only buy, at most, one coffee. Actually, I like to have one or two coffees a day — two if it’s a big study day and I need it. So it’s relatively, I would say, five times a week.”

Lawrence Espela — Engineering I
“A coffee a day. I don’t drink coffee every day, I only drink coffee during school days. So I take three to four times a week, times two — that’s almost 10 dollars?”

Sheila Leong — Arts I
“I don’t usually buy coffee from stores since I make it at home. So it’s like saving money, but still having coffee. I feel like I buy it if I don’t sleep well or if I’m really stressed. Especially for my midterms, I’m so busy studying and I just load up on coffee.”

Sian Rankin — Science IV
“Probably like, 10 to 15 dollars? Probably a lot more during midterm season, I get one before and after I study.”

Georjen Dela Cruz — Business II
“Probably three dollars? That’s like two coffees — two coffees a week.”