Haley Ramphal
Arts (2) English
Tell me what you’re wearing.
My jacket is Oak + Fort, my sweater is Value Village, my jeans are Urban Outfitters, and my shoes are Nike AirMax.
How would you describe your style?
Kind of tomboy-ish, big-city inspired. Definitely not overly feminine, but not too hardcore baggy. It’s a nice mix.
Where do you mostly find yourself shopping?
A lot of the time Aritzia, Oak + Fort, and Value Village for those good vintage pieces — the ones that don’t smell like cigarette smoke. It doesn’t really matter where it’s from, as long as it suits my wardrobe. If I can picture it with a bunch of other things I own and can afford it, it’s a definite yes.
What’s something that’s changed the way that you view fashion?
When I was younger, I would always look up to certain celebrities and see their pictures and think, “I wish I could pull that off.” But in high school, I cared way too much about what people thought — I wanted to fit in rather than have everyone scrutinize what I was wearing. But now I’ve stopped caring so much about what other people think, I just go for it. If it’s a mess, it sucks, but if it’s good, I’m way more confident wearing what I want and don’t really care if anyone else likes it. But if I see an outfit I really like, I’ll still try to recreate it.
How has your style changed since moving to Edmonton from Saskatchewan?
Coming to a bigger city where I didn’t know anyone definitely broadened my wardrobe. I’ve been less concerned about anyone else thinking my clothes looks out of place. Back in Moose Jaw, since it’s such a small town and everyone knows each other, you go to the bar and people are just in jeans and t-shirts, so it’s easy to look silly if you’re wearing something dressier or unique. Coming here, I’ve worn more of what I want because I’m kind of anonymous. I don’t care if I’m given weird looks because I probably won’t see you around campus again.
What’s the most important thing about fashion to you?
One thing I really like is having a really different style from my friends. I don’t want to look basic. I like wearing things that will make my friends say, “You can pull that off, but I never could.” That’s like the best compliment ever. For example, I love buying men’s Levi’s Jeans if I can find them at Value Village. That’s always an exciting time. They can be hard to find though. My sister and I recently found a few great pairs, and we don’t know how they would ever actually fit a man because they’re so high-waisted. Plus, they were only $8! So you can’t really say no. They usually retail for like $178.
What’s fashion advice you live by?
If you like how it looks and fits, and you feel comfortable in it, go for it. Don’t care what anyone else thinks or says. Usually, if they’re looking, it’s because they’re envious. Well, maybe it’s because it’s whack… But if that’s your style, embrace it and have fun with it.