No sex for gen x
Kids these days are trying to sound smooth and hinting that they’re getting the D with phrases like “Netflix and chill” and “sliding into DMs.” But in reality, they’re not actually getting laid as often as you think.
You know that moment when the new season of a TV series is just released on Netflix (I’m looking at you Orange is the New Black — June 17 is marked on my calendar) and you actually contemplate interacting with human beings and maybe getting a little action only to opt for wearing sweatpants and staying confined to your bed with a bowl of popcorn? No? Just me then? I know you’re lying.
Where “Netflix and chill” once stood as a euphemism in our culture, it now stands alone as one big lie. Its days of being a catch phrase or a fun slur you can giggle about with your friends are over. Now it’s just an Urban Dictionary entry to remind us of this generation’s stupidity. Realistically, “Netflix and chill” doesn’t mean anything other than watching a movie and hanging out by yourself. Ouch. Looks like your sex life took a hit.
Research shows that our generation’s sex rate is declining. According to Cambridge University statistician David Spiegelhalter, sex rates have been declining consistently since the 90s and at this rate, couples won’t be having sex at all by 2030.
I know what you’re thinking: “who doesn’t love sex?” There’s no way sex could become obsolete. But that’s not really the question. Unfortunately, it’s evolved into “who doesn’t love binge-watching?” And it’s not just me who’s going to pick the new season of Orange is the New Black over a potential ride on the bang-bang, choo-choo train.
Netflix released a statistic that shows its users averaging around four or five days to finish a newly released season and they’re spending at least two hours a day doing so. They also acknowledged that genre factors into the rate in which they finish watching the seasons and eventually the series (see, genres do play a part). Thrillers, horror and sci-fi are the most consumed and thus most binge-watched genres on Netflix. So say hello to Hannibal and goodbye to the horizontal tango.
But it’s not just Netflix that’s responsible for your nonexistent sex life, it’s technology in general. Think about how many times you’re on your phone per day. And sure, maybe you’re on Tinder swiping right to land that casual hookup, so good for you. But maybe your hand is too busy playing with your device instead of something else. Nothing screams mood-killer quite like “not now babe, just one more Snapchat story” or “hold on, let me finish this episode of Breaking Bad.”
So, you better hope you don’t forget how to make some moves on more than just Candy Crush and you better hope the fictional characters you idolize in your favourite TV series can provide the romantic support that we know you need. But I guess you don’t need to have sex when the vibrate setting on your smartphone can suffice, right?
Or maybe older generations were obsessed with sex for awhile due to the novelty of the pill. For awhile it was like you needed an excuse to say no. There is no shame in enjoying netflix and chill over casual sex, or even good sex unless it’s a problem for you or your partner. I’ve no doubt enough babies will still get born and if not there is always immigration.
Excellent article.
I spent $40,000 to get my degree, and I’ll spend even more than that finishing grad school. I really can’t risk a baby right now.
so is this actually about gen X at all? or millenials?
Maybe social media isn’t so much of a distraction, it’s an alternative. Technology gives more activities to do, no matter where you are. But pre-90’s there wasn’t much to do whilst “hanging out” with someone. And if there’s nothing to do, might as well have sex!