Unlike U of T, Queen’s, and UBC, the University of Alberta is not often heralded as a beautiful campus. This is partly because we’re in Edmonton, a city that Maclean’s once called “despair-inducingly ugly.” But it doesn’t help that our school takes it upon itself to commission pieces like the “Trade and Commerce” mural at the north end of HUB, which stands out as one of the most unsightly works of art in this godforsaken city. And that’s saying something.
In this painting, we see the visual timeline of the great neoliberal destiny of Edmonton. Our city’s saga begins when a peaceful pastoral landscape inhabited by First Nations people is cast away by a Ukrainian babushka, symbolizing European colonialism. A manifestation of Adam Smith’s invisible hand extends from her ass and shakes hands with another fist. The mural is a bizarre mishmash of images, and it seems as though the artist put it off until the last minute and just sort of improvised.
In the next few scenes, we’re presented with the most innovative, cutting-edge technology of our time — generously provided to us by companies like Telus, who commissioned this piece — including a 1990s computer lab, Jeff Goldblum’s cell phone in Jurassic Park, a train, a plane, a boat, and an RBC debit machine. What connects the past and future is a chiseled Aryan businessman, bursting forth from the shimmering womb of business school to rescue the population of Alberta from the savages of yesteryear. Either that, or he’s fleeing from Canada Revenue tax evasion claims.
The fact that the hero of the mural bears a startling resemblance to Christian Bale’s character in American Psycho shouldn’t go unnoticed. Behind the wealth he generates lies a grisly past of feeding stray cats to ATMs and murdering homeless people for the hell of it, or at least a legacy of colonialism and cultural genocide.
The message the artist is trying to convey is that progress is borne strictly through capitalism. Some of the business students who use the pedway likely enjoy this mural, as it supports the capitalist ideology they have come to study in their degrees. They can actively picture themselves as the hero, briefcase in hand, jumping through their own piles of cash.
Arts students, on the other hand, are forced to stare at this painting as they make their way to their classes in Tory basement. They see it as a contradiction to everything they’ve learned in their university career from their socialist professors. Development is not achieved solely out of wealth, but out of ideas. Or, if they’re an asshole like me, these students feel an unfounded sense of superiority over their colleagues in business for “forgetting” to pay their taxes and fellating Karl Marx in the angry essays they write for their political philosophy classes.
The mural plays off all the worst stereotypes of business students as money-grubbing dicks. There seems to be no point to this useless image, other than to indicate that the apex of history is a relentless money-chase. No ideas, no bigger picture, no concept of exchange or reciprocity — just a fuckton of money in a hurry.
Why is the skyline on the right side of the mural clearly Manhattan complete with cruise ships in the river and the World Trade Center with an airplane ominously superimposed over top?
I love it. This is great satire. Very funny.
As an eighties era business grad with a strong social conscience and a sharp sense of humour, I LOVED this opinion piece.
I didn’t walk through the business building on my most recent tour of campus this year, but now I must return to witness first hand whether or not this “art” is as hideous as the screen shot and witty prose here makes it out to be. Sadly, I fear it likely is.
Good on you for not letting the assholes off the hook, with their “unfounded sense of superiority over their colleagues in business”.
The “program of study” doesn’t “make the man” (or woman), but the way one treats others and approaches life certainly does.
I agree with the previous commenter. This almost sound like satire. I wouldn’t use this relatively obscure mural to characterize the supposed lack of beauty on this campus (nor this “godforsaken” city). It’s beautifully awful, in my opinion.
Alberta’s Business School, in general, is a lot more than what you seem to think it represents. It’s a diverse faculty with many disciplines and areas of study. You’re subscribing to this notion that all business students are evil, aryan capitalists when the truth is far from that. How does being an Arts student remove you from this supposedly evil/manipulative capitalist system?
Hi Kate. Drinks tomorrow?
This is an OUTRAGE
I am a BUSINESS student! I try every day to network and make CASH like a normal HUMAN and I don’t deserve to be CRITICIZED for it!
We all trying to drive that Range Rover, Kate
Range Rover? We’re business grads, not crazy Libertarians. Fix muh roads, Iveson!
This one is funny:
What’s wrong with trying to stack that paper?
You can “money grub” my dick
Who gives a fuck about arts plebs
I also see a major problem in this; don’t be disheartened by the comments of the capitalists… This mural critiques history with a very biased lens, and suggests that money is the best measure of success. Great article! Please keep it up.
Sweety maybe come to wine night and loosen up this is not a good article.
Hahahahaa wow,
I hope to god this is satire.
Welcome to Ualberta, where all the business students are psychotic capitalists, and every arts professor is a socialist.
Please broaden your worldview, or would you rather call my statement “problematic”, and pretend you’re better than the rest of us?
Seriously though if this is satire, very funny, great job.
God damn this writer hates Business ;D
I was thinking the same thing when I read this earlier this morning. Between the misguided and misinformed piece on the outdoor slumber party and now this, it seems to me that the writer despises the faculty of Business and/or Business student(s) and has no qualms about airing it out in public.
“The mural plays off all the worst stereotypes of Business students” as she says.
Given that the mural was made in ’99, I don’t see anything wrong with it. The economy was good, trade was good and technology had just started to take off. The mural represents the artist’s interpretation of that time period, not an art history lesson. Art isn’t always about the ‘Monet’ but sometimes it can be about ‘Money’. 😉