Vance Joy rides the riptide through Edmonton

Australian native Vance Joy returned to Edmonton on Jan. 16 after multiple previous visits to bring a warm, intimate set to the snowy city. After local act Reuben in the Dark opened with their alt-rock setlist, the mood was set for the main act’s to blow the crowd away with his singer-songwriter aesthetic.
He played each song with emotion, offering smiles and acknowledging nods as the crowd clapped and sang along. Vance Joy enhanced the already intimate Jubilee Auditorium by personally welcoming the crowd, offering commentary before certain songs and telling stories about adjusting to the frigid Edmonton weather. Each song was sung with a genuine passion often missing in other artist’s performances, enhancing the connection between performer and crowd.

Vance Joy handles his shows with a humble grace and poise not commonly found in famous artists. A moment that this key characteristic to present itself came when the audio began to crackle and fail mid-song, only three or four songs into the set.
At first it was minor, and he kept on plowing through the song, unphased. However, it soon worsened, the crackling became unbearable and the audio cut out. Meanwhile, the artist kept on singing his heart out until a member of his team came out and told him to temporarily leave the stage until they solved the problem. All smiles, Vance Joy apologized to the crowd and told everyone he would be right back, all the while remaining as calm and cool as anything. After a brief five minutes, the audio issue was resolved and the singer strode out onto the stage, guitar in hand and went right back to the song, acting as though nothing had occurred.
The professionality with which he presents himself is far beyond his age. With his effortless guitar sounds and relatable lyrics, every from age eight to eighty is sure to enjoy a Vance Joy show. His soothing voice will only draw you further into his performance and his playful approach to performance is sure to leave you satisfied.