Finer Things: Basic Bitches

This is for you. Yes, you. You, in your plaid button down and leggings, with that masterful line of liquid black above your Volume-Express lashes. You, who spend thirty minutes in the morning trying to look like you just woke up, have at least one tattoo, and watched Fifty Shades of Grey—but only because your friends wanted to.
The haters are going to try to tell you that you’re ordinary and un-cultured—that you hop on every bandwagon within twerking distance and have nothing of value to offer because let’s face it, you’re a Basic Bitch. But I’m here to tell you they’re wrong.
So what if you think The Lumineers are Indie? Or that you own 12 pairs of Lululemon pants? Who cares that you take a post-workout swelfie after every stint on the elliptical? Or that you reward yourself with a grande non-fat, no whip, pumpkin-spice latte afterward because gosh-darnit you deserve it?
Liking popular things doesn’t make you less interesting—because despite what people may try to make you think, your music and fashion tastes don’t define you.
Cheers to the Basics. You just do you.