Campus Crime Beat — Summer Edition

Bad Dog!
It’s not often students are growled and glared at on campus — it’s even more rare when it’s from another person.
University of Alberta Protective Services (UAPS) were alerted by Edmonton Police Services (EPS) that a staff member in ECHA said she was growled and glared at by a male as she entered the building at 9:35 p.m. on May 25.
Just minutes later, UAPS received a second report of the same male outside a women’s washroom on the ECHA’s fourth floor. The male was quickly located by UAPS on the main floor, who was identified as someone who has previously trespassed.
When UAPS ran the male’s name, they found outstanding warrants for his arrest and was subsequently arrested by EPS.
“That was an odd one,” UAPS Acting Superintendent Marcel Roth said.
Roth said situations such as this tend to elicit a heightened level of concern for witnesses, who then should contact UAPS and EPS.
“Whenever there is someone acting suspiciously or is perceived as aggressive, it’s best not to engage with the person and to contact us as soon as possible and provide a description and last direction of travel,” Roth said.
Mastur’s Studies
Rutherford Library is known for its magazines and handy study areas, but not usually in that way.
Library staff received a second-hand report of a male masturbating in the Rutherford North Library on June 11, who then called protective services. UAPS responded and followed up with the original witness, who was studying on the third floor and collected a description of the male.
The male could not be located and is described as 5’5”, in his 50s, curly hair with an average build and wearing black pants.
“For any types of these morality complaints, EPS would be contacted,” Roth said.
After EPS investigated, they filed the concern, as they deal with these types of situations more often than UAPS, Roth said. Because of this, the description may prove more useful to EPS due to their database of similar crimes.
As of July 3, the male has not yet been located.
Coke Theft On campus
Coke is often listed in police reports, but recently it’s the beverage that’s been a concern for UAPS.
A student contacted UAPS on June 1 after observing a male tampering with Coca-cola vending machines in CAB. The male’s behaviour was described as suspicious, as he appeared to be taking coins from the machine.
This was the fourth time in recent weeks that a Coca-cola machine had been tampered with, as they seem to have the ability to be “defeated,” which was being exposed by culprits on campus, Roth said.
The male could not be located, but a couple hours later UAPS observed a male sleeping on a bench in Education South who matched the description of the suspect.UAPS identified the male, who was known to them for similar conduct in the Business building in May. EPS was alerted, who arrested the male for theft and charged him for theft under $5,000.
Upon search, the male had nearly $200 in toonies, loonies and quarters as well as four Coke products.
“This is becoming a bit of a common occurrence … and a concern for Coca-cola,” Roth said.
I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore
UAPS usually deal with reported crimes, but it’s nice to have a “feel good story” once in awhile, Roth said.
On May 13 at 12:31 a.m., UAPS observed an elderly man on Saskatchewan Drive who appeared lost. UAPS attended, and it became clear that the male was confused and didn’t know where he was going or where he lived.
EPS was notified of the man’s name, who told UAPS that he was reported missing from his senior’s home at 2:00 p.m. the day before. The male was escorted back home in downtown Edmonton.
Roth said UAPS is there all day for assistance, whether there is a crime or not.“Whether anyone needs anything, we’re there 24/7,” Roth said. “We’re not always a responder to criminal activity.
“We’re often partnering with the community to solve problems or solve issues that are non-criminal. We try to help wherever, and however we can.”