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Doin’ You: Guacamole

People who know me know that I make bomb guacamole. It’s part of my personal brand, as some would say. This guacamole is the only reason my boyfriend hasn’t left me yet. But I’m risking my relationship status to give you the key to the greatest guacamole in the world.

Okay, so guacamole really isn’t hard. You basically mash a bunch of ingredients together until you have a tasty green mush that you can dip chips in. However, I’m going to give you a little tip that will make all the difference in your guac to make it spicer and immensely better.

The trick to this saucy dish is to say “fuck it” to traditional guacamole roles and add salsa. The spiciness of the salsa brings a delectable level to the otherwise plain avocado flavour. Plus the mixing of two popular mexican dips adds flair and innovation
The nice part of this “recipe” is that you don’t need to measure anything, just throw shit in there until it tastes good. No recipe couple with the fact that this is guaranteed to taste good is a total bonus.

Christina Varvis

What You’ll Need:

  • 2 Avocados
  • 3 Garlic cloves
  • Half a red onion
  • Salsa
  • Cilantro
  • Lime juice
Christina Varvis

Step 1: Cut your avocados in half, remove skin and pit and then toss them into a nice bowl for mashing. The beauty of this recipe is you can make everything in the bowl you’re serving in. No dishes no problems.

Step 2: Dice your onion and garlic, and put them in with your avocado. Then, grab a fork and start mushing it all together. This is where you want to make sure that you picked ripe avocados, as it’s gonna be really hard to mash if you picked hard ones. I guess I should have told you that earlier. Oh well.

Christina Varvis

Step 3: Now we get to the fun part, because all the ingredients can be added to taste, so you just need to constantly be tasting your delectable creation. Eating is fun. Start adding lime, cilantro, and salsa to your heart’s content. The salsa makes the guacamole look like diarrhea, but the extra spice and tomato flavor make the whole thing fabulous. Trust me.

Christina Varvis

Step 4: Now you’re done! Call yourself Master Chef until your friends try and run away. Don’t worry, once they try your guacamole they will be indebted to you forever. It’s like you’re Satan but without the eternal damnation part.

Grab some chips and start dipping. My personal favourite to use are Tostitos Multigrain Rounds. They aren’t too flimsy, so they won’t break if you went a little salsa heavy and made the guac dense, and they have some nice salt flavour while also providing a few grains to your diet.
So tuck in, and make yourself some man-catching guacamole.

Doin’ You is a regular Gateway feature that teaches students ballin’ like skills without their mom’s help.

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