Campus Crime Beat — Dec. 9 to 29

Study Hall Hugging
Students studying late at night may feel like they need a hug, but not if it’s from a complete stranger.
During an evening study session at Rutherford Library on Dec. 9, University of Alberta Protective Services (UAPS) received a report of a suspicious male in the vicinity. A female student who was studying was approached by the male in question, who then asked her if he could give her a hug.
The student declined twice, but the male was persistent, and the student gave him a hug on his third try. He then asked if he could kiss her, to which the student declined. When the male moved closer, the student pushed him away and alerted UAPS, who investigated the area.
UAPS Acting Inspector Marcel Roth said students should alert their office as soon as incidences like this occur, as it is “technically assault” and a criminal offence. While UAPS did not find the male in question, Roth said they are more likely to catch culprits the earlier they are notified.
“This was an odd one,” Roth said about the incident. “But the student acted appropriately by disengaging with the suspect … and alerting us as soon as possible.”
The male is described as 20 to 22 years old with black hair and “non-white.”
Craft Bandicoot
The annual Butterdome Craft Show is a “one-stop gift shop,” hosting hundreds of busy vendors and items for sale. With its array of Christmas-themed trinkets and potential presents, it’s no wonder it may be the target of theft.
Craft Show staff contacted UAPS on Dec. 5 about a suspicious female who may have been shoplifting at the venue. UAPS arrived at the Butterdome and approached the female, who had been under the watchful eye of several Craft Show staff.
The female was in possession of several Craft Show items, but failed to provide any receipts as proof of purchase. The female produced earrings valued at $78 and $48 and mittens valued at $81 and $45, which were returned to the merchant.
“They must have been some very nice mittens,” Roth said.
The female was subsequently banned from the venue while UAPS officers followed up with several merchants.
An hour later, the woman approached UAPS office and turned in a pair of earrings, but it is unclear whether she paid for them or not.
Break and Enter at St. Joseph’s
UAPS was notified by EPS that there was a break and enter in progress at the St. Joseph’s College early in the morning on Dec. 29. UAPS was immediately dispatched while EPS were on the way. Upon arrival, officers noticed a broken window leading into the basement. The EPS canine unit was then deployed to investigate the area.
EPS and the canine unit cleared the basement floor, who determined that the suspect had already fled. 11 offices had signs of forced entry and were attended to by the EPS forensics unit.
The suspect wasn’t there too long ago, as EPS located an open can of pop in one of the offices, which was still carbonated.
The male is described as wearing a black pants and a jean jacket. The file is currently under investigation by EPS.
Board Games on Booze
Talking trash while playing Monopoly or Scrabble may be common, but alcohol could amplify that behaviour.
Cleaning staff reported to UAPS that a group on the second floor of the Chemistry building was causing a loud disturbance in the area.
UAPS officers discovered that a group was playing board games with open alcohol present, a violation of the Code of Student Conduct and Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission.
Open alcohol is strictly prohibited on campus except in otherwise designated areas. Violations may result in Code of Student Conduct notices or fines. The students were issued a warning for the offence, cooperated with officers and left the area — surely a fairer alternative than being drunk while in Monopoly Jail.