Letters to the Editor

Want to respond to something The Gateway has recently published online or in our magazine? Have a short comment on affairs that may affect University of Alberta students? Send us a letter to the editor!
Letters policy:
- Please keep your letter short. While we will sometimes publish longer letters, we give preference to letters at or below 300 words.
- If you are responding to an article that appeared in The Gateway magazine or online, please include the headline and date of publication of said article.
- Please keep your letter civil; we will not publish any letter that uses hateful and/or discriminatory language, or espouses hateful and/or discriminatory views.
- If your letter is selected, we will edit it for clarity, length, and style, but ensure to keep its arguments intact.
Use this form to submit your letter, and we will get back to you within 3 days if we decide to publish your letter.