New ways to get The Gateway’s magazine despite COVID-19

Dearest Gateway readers,
As I am sure all of you are aware, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the face of the University of Alberta and campus experience.
One constant has been The Gateway’s mission and resolve to provide constant professional and quality content online to inform students about campus news while offering a connection back to campus as we continue to work remotely on our studies.
When it comes to our award-winning magazine, we recognize the majority of our students have faced barriers to receiving this form of content.
Back in the summer of 2020 we immediately cut our printing circulation from our normal rate of 3,500 issues to 1,750 and continued to ensure campus magazine racks were stocked with our magazines. We partnered with local businesses like Transcend Coffee and the Glass Bookshop to enlarge the scope of our distribution of magazines. Further, we ensured a magazine rack was accessible to students as they picked up curbside library orders through Rutherford Library. Additionally, the PDF versions continue to be available for viewing through our website.
We recognize that while these steps enabled some to receive our magazine, many still have not had this opportunity.
This is now changing.
We are proud to launch a new online marketplace through Square that will enable us to do safe curbside pickup at the University of Alberta and direct home shipping for those students and interested readers who live outside of Edmonton.
Curbside pickup will be free and provide a safe and flexible method to ensure any student can get access to a physical magazine issue — whether current or one from the recent past.
Direct home delivery will have a small fee associated with it in order to facilitate this new form of delivery. The Gateway is not making a profit off of any of these fees. These are only being charged to help facilitate the orders, cover materials and shipping surcharges with Canada Post.
We understand that a cost, whether it is $4 for Canadian addresses or $6 for international ones, can become a burden to some. We commit to keeping it low and are exploring partnership opportunities so in the future this amount may be further lowered or eliminated.
While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to keep many of us physically separated from our campus community, we hope our work — whether on the website or in our magazine — by our many volunteers and staff will continue to inform and offer a respite from these unprecedented circumstances.
The Gateway Editor-in-Chief 2020-21
Methods to Get The Gateway’s Magazine
- Curbside Delivery outside the University of Alberta Students’ Union Building
- Visit
- Completely Free!
- Direct Home Delivery through Canada Post Shipping
- Visit
- Flat rate for Canadian addresses: $4.00 per issue
- Flat rate for International addresses: $6.00 per issue
- Curbside Pickup at Rutherford Library
- While picking up your curbside library books pickup a Gateway magazine from the stand right next to the order lockers.
- Ordering through the Glass Bookshop
- Visit
- Search “The Gateway Magazine”
- Free for students with a valid OneCard (enter Student ID in the notes section of your online order or show when in-store)
- Purchase for $7.00 an issue in-store or online (and get free delivery if in Edmonton, Sherwood Park & St. Albert)
- Grabbing a copy from Transcend Coffee
- Grabbing a copy while on North Campus at the University of Alberta
- View online at or