
Letter to the Editor: ab-GPAC response to Kevin Kvas’ articles

The following is a Letter to the Editor by representatives of the Alberta Graduate Provincial Advocacy Council regarding Kevin Kvas’ article series, which we’ve so far published in two segments.

I am sending you this letter as the Gateway has recently published a series of articles with regards to a consultation we did with government on the issue of labour relations.

In response to the first two of three opinion articles by Kevin Kvas, “Who’s afraid of the right to strike? Alberta graduate student associations misrepresent members in provincial consultations on constitutional rights,” (February 23) and “Who’s afraid of their right to strike? U of A GSA President Sarah Ficko defends unconstitutional labour laws with overblown budget and conflict of interest” (February 26), the four member graduate students’ associations of ab-GPAC wish to take this opportunity to articulate our endorsement of the submission to the Alberta government made by ab-GPAC in response to the right to strike consultation referenced in the opinion pieces. It is our shared belief that the position articulated in the submission was arrived at following appropriate consultation with our respective constituents and discussion and consideration amongst ab-GPAC members. Parties interested in discussing this matter further with ab-GPAC are invited to contact [email protected].

I hope this letter will help clarify things for your readership.

Kind regards,

Xiao Yang Fang (Yangyang), Chair 2016-2017

Sam Hossack, U of C GSA President
Emma Jing, U of L GSA President
Teagan Gahler, AU GSA President
Sarah Ficko, U of A President

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