Notes from Council: Councillors appointed to Social Media Sub-Committee
Additionally, two executives gave oral reports, and council went into closed session to discuss "the incoming Academic Materials Program."

“Notes from Council” is The Gateway’s ongoing series of recaps of noteworthy items from Students’ Council meetings.
At the Students’ Council meeting on June 6, two executives gave oral reports. Council also appointed three councillors to the Social Media Sub-Committee, and then went into closed session.
Chris Beasley, vice-president (external), touched on the Get Out The Vote campaign and the provincial election during his oral report.
“We know which government has been formed, but we are still waiting on a number of key ministers. Who is in those roles really shapes who’s going to be designing things that matter to students for the next little bit,” Beasley said.
Michael Griffiths, vice-president (student life), mentioned the executives’ attendance at the General Faculties Council (GFC) meeting that took place on May 29. Additionally, he’s been meeting with organizations and staff that overlap with his portfolio. He’s “just checking in with those folks and building relationships for the year,” Griffiths said.
Vice-president (academic) Pedro Almeida did not give an oral report. President Christian Fotang and Vice-president (operations and finance) Levi Flaman were absent from council.
Afterwards, council filled three councillor seats on the Social Media Sub-Committee, which runs the Students’ Council Instagram page. Council appointed arts councillor Mason Pich, science councillor Megan Garbutt, and arts councillor Nathan Thiessen.
Then, council moved into closed session, meaning guests had to leave Council Chambers. According to the Order Papers, they discussed “the incoming Academic Materials Program.”