SU Elections 2025 Q&A: International House Community Council Referendum
Undergraduate students living in IHouse have the chance to vote on renewing the IHCC SRAMF.

The University of Alberta Students’ Union (SU) 2025 election is giving students living in the International House (IHouse) the opportunity to decide on renewing the International House Community Council (IHCC) Student Representative Association Membership Fee (SRAMF).
IHCC declined a Q&A from The Gateway. The following is their proposal for a SRAMF. They presented this proposal on December 17 and February 4 to Students’ Council.
Lee Hughes, a co-facilitator of IHCC, presented the proposal for a $50-a-year SRAMF for students moving into IHouse in the fall semester and $25 for students moving in during the winter semester. Only residents of IHouse would pay this fee and they have the option to opt-out.
IHCC supports and represents all residents of IHouse, Hughes said. They also put on events for their members. Hughes said that IHCC events enforce community building within IHouse.
On December 17, he stated that the fee would fund events and provide financial support and stability for the IHCC budget. According to Hughes, some of this funding would be used for surplus according to their budget, however he clarified that the majority will be used for events.