
Withholding results of CPP survey isn’t a good look

Refusing to, or, at the very least, delaying the release of a public survey only leaves room for anxiety and distrust.

The United Conservative Party‘s (UCP) hopes of pulling Alberta out of the federal pension plan is ruffling some feathers again. Danielle Smith’s UCP has refused to supply Postmedia with data from a 2023 survey detailing public interest in whether Alberta should leave the Canadian Pension Plan (CPP). Through the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP), the government generally gives press access to public information. However, this act does not guarantee full access to survey data. While this technically allows the party to block the release of the data, it doesn’t mean it should. Additionally, Smith’s reasoning for withholding the results sways and changes, harming her party’s credibility.

It’s difficult to know what Smith’s real reasoning for withholding the data is. The government has gone from saying the data does not exist to saying they have to do more consultation. To some, it could seem that Smith wasn’t happy with the data. What if this is a case of the public’s interests and the UCP’s interests diverging? Ultimately, leaving the results as a complete unknown leaves a lot of room for speculation of this nature.

There’s also the issue of how much of the CPP the UCP thinks Alberta is entitled to. At a fundraiser in Edmonton, Smith detailed that she believes “[Albertans] want to know what the asset number would be … and what would it mean for contributions.” But this isn’t a reason to withhold survey data. The government did the current survey before we even knew a firm number. Knowing that now will not change the answers already given — it can only change how Smith’s party presents the information. 

It could be that her party is looking to force the CPP pull-out despite there being little public interest. There’s suspicion the party is looking for a way to manipulate the data to either sway public opinion or make it look like there is public support. Last January, a poll found only 22 per cent of Albertans supported leaving the CPP, down from 27 per cent. Those not interested were even mailing back flyers detailing the plan to leave the CPP, writing their opposition across the flyers. The continued push from the UCP for an Alberta pension plan with already low interest looks bad. Withholding survey data only hurts the UCP’s credibility more. 

Smith has pledged to release the data, but only after a referendum on leaving the CPP. Once again, this leaves room for suspicion that the data is showing that people do not want this and that she wants us to go into the referendum blind and unaware of how others feel. 

Overall, Smith’s decision to not release the data only allows for suspicion as to her motives. This hurts the party’s credibility and forces people to consider whose interest the party has at heart. Right now, it certainly doesn’t seem to be the interest of Albertans.

Liam Hodder

Liam is a third year media studies student. He's a musician and likes skateboarding and Magic the Gathering.

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