101 New Year’s Resolutions for 2025
The easier the resolution, the more likely you are to keep it!

New Year’s Resolutions are a time honoured tradition that barely any of us stick with. You start the year with the best of intentions, planning to hit the gym everyday or read six books a month. By March you’ve remembered your preference for lying on the couch and watching television. To help you out we’ve devised 101 easy-peasy New Year’s Resolutions! Pick one and next New Year’s Eve can you proudly tell everyone you kept your resolution. They don’t need to know what that resolution was.
- Finish all readings before class, not during class
- Refrain from using the word “exemplified” more than five times in one essay
- Make it to 9:00 a.m. classes no more than five minutes late
- Stop enrolling in 9:00 a.m. classes you know you’ll always be late to
- Study for more than 45 minutes without going on your phone
- Don’t stay up late watching Netflix on school nights
- Proofread your essays instead of turning them in and hoping for the best
- Memorize citation styles so you don’t have to look up an example for every assignment
- Attend your professor’s office hours for once … maybe
- Pay attention in class instead of scrolling through Pinterest
- Somehow make it off campus before sunset everyday
- Bond with at least one classmate over how much you hate your shared class
- Refrain from dropping a class every time you get a less than amazing grade
- Bring a packed lunch for longer than two weeks into the semester
- Avoid buying an iced coffee on campus everyday
- Always remember to charge your laptop the night before
- Have at least one pen that works
- Pay your tuition on time
- Don’t lose your bus pass or student ID until at least March
- Ask a question when you’re confused instead of suffering in silence
- Start working on assignments before the night they’re due
- Read at least one syllabus fully
- Listen to educational podcasts instead of only celebrity gossip ones
- Find new study spots around campus
- Actually read the book you’ve had in your backpack since September
- Stop staring at other peoples’ laptops during lectures
- Delete the endless PDFs from your laptop desktop
- Actually read your textbooks
- Clean out your backpack
- Stop hiding in the back of the classroom and get your participation mark
- Compliment a classmate’s outfit
- Walk through HUB mall without stopping to get a treat
- Don’t be too hard on yourself when you get a bad grade
- Stop online shopping during class
- Try to go to every library on campus at least once
- Regularly remind yourself that you’re trying really hard, and are doing a great job
- Update your computer so it doesn’t crash when you go to submit that research paper
- Clean out your inbox and organize your emails
- Talk to at least one person in every class on the first day of the semester
- Make it from Tory to ECHA in less than 10 minutes
- Complete all the SPOT surveys at the end of the semester
- Check out the rock-climbing gym
- Eat something else rather than pizza or something from the Deli bar
- Don’t forget your towel when you go to shower
- Don’t file a noise complaint
- Don’t get a noise complaint filed about you
- Go for breakfast for one week straight
- Attend an event hosted by residence
- Check your mailbox once a week
- Stop procrastinating doing your laundry
Student Life
- Eat something other than ramen noodles at least once a week
- Buy — and actually eat — fruits and veggies
- Start going to sleep before 3:00 a.m.
- Refrain from buying yourself a sweet treat anytime something goes slightly wrong
- Actually get out of bed the first time your alarm goes off
- Try not to fall on the ice while running for the bus
- Clean your bathroom at least every two weeks
- Meet up with friends on campus for coffee once a week
- Ask for your campus crush for their number
- Read a book for fun instead of scrolling through TikTok
- Pick up a new hobby and actually stick with it, at least until midterms
- Don’t try the next viral TikTok food trend
- Try a campus recreational fitness class
- Attend one league game for every U of A sports team
- Take a walk around the entire campus instead of just one quad
- Call your mom at least once a month, she misses you
- Actually drink water (no coffee doesn’t count)
- Say thank you when you get off the bus
- Wipe the snow off your boots when entering buildings — nobody likes sludge, outdoors or indoors
- Keep a plant alive for longer than one week
- Wear an appropriate winter coat when it’s -40 degrees Celsius out
- Try to avoid the temptation of buying a Subway cookie every day
- Join a club
- Attend the club meetings more than twice a semester
- Actually talk to people at these club meetings
- Don’t leave planning next year’s schedule to the last minute
- Start making a weekly spending budget
- Visit Guba in the bookstore at least once a week
- Always be wearing at least one piece of U of A merch. School spirit is important
- Finally fill out a SUBMart slurpee stamp card and claim your free slurpee
- Get to SUBMart before they run out of your favourite chips
- Do every Perks app activity so you can finally get that Gatecrasher
- Stop saying you’re going to drop out at every minor inconvenience
- Stop going to the mall, you know you’re going to spend too much money
- Win a celebrity look-a-like contest
- Stop saying you’re going to kidnap every cute dog you see
- Learn every path for walking indoors during winter on campus
- Build a snowman in the main quad
- Write a song about your university experience at the U of A
- Make friends with the campus geese
- Avoid HUB at all costs
- Listen to at least one “Rory Gilmore” study playlist
- Make friends with the campus squirrels
The Gateway
- Read thegatewayonline.ca everyday
- Attend every Gateway to Cinema. It is free after all
- Write one article for The Gateway
- Attend a Gateway meeting
- Attend open house and not just for the free pizza
- Write an article for a section you wouldn’t normally write for
- Say hi to The Gateway at the Winter Warm-up
- Put a Gateway sticker on your laptop