Photostory: Sustain SU Green Market 2023
In exchange for non-perishable food items towards the Campus Food Bank, students were able to purchase second-hand items at a pop up market at SUB on January 27.

On January 27, the Sustain SU Green Market was held in the Orion Room at the Students’ Union Building (SUB).
The gently used items being sold at the market were donations from students, which were dropped off at Infolink Student Life Central (SLC) at the SUB Basement, Central Academic Building (CAB), and University of Alberta International (UAI) at the International Services Centre. Students who donated to the market were eligible to use the “swap credits” they earned to purchase items at the market.
For students that did not donate for the market, they had the option to either donate non-perishable food items to the Campus Food Bank (CFB) or pay with cash or credit for their purchases. Items available to purchase ranged from clothes, to books, to jewelry.