U of A Summer Term to continue as planned while Alberta moves into stage two of reopening
Students should check BearTracks to confirm if their classes are online or in-person, the university said in a statement.

The University of Alberta has announced the details of what on-campus activity will look like as the province moves into the second stage of their reopening on June 10.
In an announcement from the university’s Public Health Response Team (PHRT) released the afternoon of June 9, the university said the Summer 2021 term will move forward as originally planned. The statement said students should check Bear Tracks to confirm if their classes are online or in-person, and that those currently working from home have been told to continue to do so. Additionally, masks and physical distancing are still required on campus.
“At this time though, we must all continue to hold on as we get both doses of our vaccinations, practice physical distancing, wear our masks, stay home when feeling unwell, and move within our existing social bubbles,” the university said in the announcement.
The statement said only previously approved research will be able to resume in a physically distanced manner.
While plans for both learning and remote work remain in place, some university services are set to move forward with reopening:
- Sport, recreation, and fitness facilities including will have a phased reopening schedule beginning on June 14, which the university will release more details on later in the week
- Indoor and outdoor restaurants and food courts can now allow for six people per table
- Retail can resume to a third of fire code capacity
- The university’s Library has re-launched curb-side pick-up
- The first floor and basement of Cameron Library will open with 30 per cent capacity for individual study on June 14
The announcement said more information will be provided as more develops surrounding the next stage of Alberta’s reopening plan.
“Our thanks go out to everyone for your continued patience and resolve to help see us through the pandemic,” the PHRT said in the statement.