Get to know 2021 Board of Governors Representative candidate Dave Konrad
From thoughts between SUB and HUB to their favorite social media app, here's a closer look at the candidate for BoG representative.

Between all of the forums, campaign promises, and debates, it can be easy to forget that all of the candidates running in the Students’ Union elections are students too. Just like the rest of us, they know what it’s like to wake up at 9:47 a.m. for a 9 a.m. virtual lecture, or submit an assignment 12 seconds before the eClass deadline.
We wanted to get to know the candidates a little better this election cycle, so we asked for their thoughts and opinions on some questions that you probably won’t be hearing at the next candidates forum.
Here is what we heard from Dave Konrad, a third-year environmental and conservation sciences student currently running for Board of Governors representative.
Responses have been edited for brevity and clarity.
The Gateway: What’s your go-to song to put you in a good mood?
Konrad: “Love to Go (MOTi Remix)” by Lost Frequencies, Zonderling & Kelvin Jones.
Would you rather take an 8 a.m. lecture or a three-hour evening class?
8 a.m. lecture.
What’s the last show you binge watched?
The Office.
Are you an early riser or a night owl?
Early riser.
Mask or face shield?
Who is your favourite Canadian celebrity?
Ryan Reynolds.
What’s your favourite Canadian attraction?
The landscapes.
Are you Team SUB or Team HUB?
Team SUB because it’s closer to my classes. Although HUB is kind of ‘on the other side of the world,’ which makes it an exciting change of scenery.
SUB is also closer to the Agriculture and Forestry Building, which has the most beautiful atrium.
What’s your opinion on CAB? Love it or hate it?
CAB is . . . a necessary evil? It’s a central building. It’s academic.
Maybe if administration renovated the other parts of CAB besides the basement, it would be nice. That said, the second-floor classrooms with floor-to-ceiling windows are really nice, except that the seats are really close together.
What’s your favourite library on campus?
Rutherford. The second floor with big windows is really nice.
Is the Tim Horton’s from CAB worth the line-up?
If I’m craving a donut or coffee, 100 per cent. Sometimes after a busy day, standing in line for 20 minutes is an appreciated rest.
What do you miss most about campus?
The people. Going from class to class. The little conversations. The walks from building-to-building giving me the opportunity to clear my mind during a busy day.
What’s your favourite sea shanty?
“Hi-Ho Come Roll Me Over” from Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag.
What’s your favourite social media app?
Instagram is great because of its combination of text and photos. I’ve found so many beautiful photos and hilarious memes.
What’s the last video game you played?
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag.
What’s your favourite kid’s TV show, past or present?
The Fairly OddParents.
Finally, what’s your beverage of choice? Is there a particular mood/vibe/time of day when you like it best?
A dry, sweet, full-bodied red wine. I prefer it in the evening after a full, successful day.