
Burlap Sack: E-Scooters

Edmonton isn't built for e-scooters and their riders' poor sidewalk etiquette

A plague has descended upon Edmonton with great green fury, and no, I’m not talking about the COVID-19 pandemic. Rather, I speak of the silent scooters  —  branded Lime and Bird  —  that dominate our once-peaceful sidewalks.

These e-scooters, described as an alternative to public transit, represent the epitome of bourgeois transportation: pretentious, rule-bending, and afforded to only those with a smartphone. 

But wait, aren’t these scooters helping the public by offering a service where busses and LRTs cannot provide? While that may be true — busses don’t offer comprehensive services across Edmonton —  e-scooters cause more public hassle than good, namely because of the obnoxious attitude their riders inherit once they’ve started their ride. 

When, for instance, have you ever heard a e-scooter-user actually use their bell when passing others? Furthermore, how many users abide by the City of Edmonton regulations written on each scooter stating their use is only legal on streets? Judging by the number of lime-coloured vehicles littering our sidewalks and yards, it isn’t hard to see Lime and Bird are ineffective in maintaining proper usage of their vehicles.

It is easy to blame Lime and Bird for the lack of scooter-etiquette present, but I think an amount of responsibility lies on the City of Edmonton for approving these businesses to operate on our streets. Regulations do not permit scooters on sidewalks  —  where else would they go? Bike lanes are an option, but Edmonton isn’t Amsterdam: its streets aren’t converted for the comprehensive use of e-scooters (or bikes, for that matter). 

Perhaps, if Lime and Bird are to be considered respectable and courteous methods of transportation, our city’s leaders should improve and expand Edmonton’s growing bike lane network. Then, assuming scooter-users use bike lanes, our sidewalks can be peaceful and harmonious once again.

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