Marble Pedestal: Hardbite Wild Onion & Yogurt Chips

Okay, I know what you’re thinking: Wild onion and yogurt? Is she insane?
I am not insane (I don’t think). I get it, though — when my mom first brought home this flavour of chips from Superstore, I thought she was nuts, too. As a diehard Miss Vicki’s Sweet Chili and Sour Cream fan and veritable chip expert, I really didn’t think anything could top my favourite flavour, especially not something made up of two ingredients as seemingly incongruent as onion and yogurt. But I guess the folks at Hardbite must have a magic R&D team or something, because this wacky combo just works.
The tang of the yogurt is balanced by the sweet undertones of the onion; the crunch of Hardbite’s kettle chips emphasize the perfection of the snack. The amount of flavouring in the bag means that every chip is coated in the ideal amount of spices, ensuring an evenly balanced snacking experience with every mouthful. And you can enjoy this guilty pleasure with a bit of pride, because Hardbite is one of those little local-ish companies that makes all their products in small batches. Peace out, Lays.
On an only tangentially related note (and maybe this isn’t actually a good thing, considering how addictive these chips are), they’re sold at SUBmart, albeit at the classic SUBmart markup, so they’re easier to access than ever. Late night studying? Grab a bag of Hardbite chips in their greatest flavour. Stressed about exams? Hardbite. Aced something and want to celebrate? You know what I’m going to recommend. If you can hack it, though, I really recommend just waiting ‘till you get to a London Drugs or something. They’re literally half the SUBmart price there, and they’ll usually go on special. What more could you ask of bags of the world’s most amazing unexpected chip flavour?
I swear to god this isn’t sponsored.