Emoji of the Week: Party Popper

The best emojis are the ones with dual meanings beneath the surface. An eggplant, for instance, can be used for your grandma’s wholesome gardening post or your thirsty late night Tinder messages. Beneath a veneer of simple joy lies a wide range of human emotions just waiting to be expressed.
On the surface, it appears to be just a celebratory emoticon, one used to signify birthdays, holidays, and good times in general. And that is true: when you want to spice up a “Happy Birthday” text to your best friend without YELLING AT THEM or including too many exclamation points (!!!), a party popper is the perfect way to add that special touch. Want to make it extra clear that your Snapchat story will be fun central tonight? Just throw a couple party poppers on that sucker. Whether it’s New Year’s Eve or just a night out with the crew, no celebration is too big or too small for this versatile emoji.
But the party popper truly shines when used sarcastically. Picture it: your boyfriend just dumped you on your anniversary. You’re shocked, devastated, and most of all, salty as hell. So as you vent in your friends’ group chat about what a horrible person Todd is, you throw in a “happy anniversary to me 🎉”. It’s the perfect blend of catharsis and irony. All of your bitterness, anger, and dashed hopes and dreams are contained in that one sentence, and a party popper hammers it home.
Whether the mood is genuinely happy or only sarcastically so, a shower of confetti is always a nice touch. Next time you need to add a little extra punch to your digital life, look no further than the party popper.