Brew Crew: Guinness Irish Wheat
A welcome addition to the Guinness family

Guinness Irish Wheat
Price: $2.75 / 500 ml bottle (Liquor Depot)
I know what you are thinking. A Guinness-branded beer that isn’t the original and time-tested Guinness? Why even bother?
When it comes to beer, “The Black Stuff” is required drinking. By law it must be on tap and ready to be offered in any decent Irish pub. Well, I would argue the Guinness Irish Wheat beer is a welcome addition to the Guinness family.
The beer truly goes down smooth as a light Irish malt with a slightly crispy taste. When you crack one open, you can immediately smell a light banana note. The first few swigs will be the best — that’s when you’ll still be able to catch the subtle clove and zesty citrus flavour.
Anyone familiar with wheat-styled beers will really enjoy this one. Golden in colour, the beer really is light and refreshing to drink. It’s not an overpowering beverage. You can almost taste the flourish of the rolling Irish fields’ earthy backbone. I can see this beer being a real treat after a hot and sunny summer day with its smooth, soft body.
It definitely is odd to drink a Guinness beer that falls on the polar opposite of the beer colour spectrum. When it comes to stout beers, this Irish wheat Guinness variant is sure to please any time… unless you just want to stick to the classic rich Guinness flavour. Which is cool too.