Book Review: The Fundamentals of Students’ Unionism
The Fundamentals of Students’ Unionism
Zachary Crispin
Selkirk College Students Union
Few people have given as much thought to the role of the student movement in Canada as Zachary Crispin has, and it shows with his new book The Fundamentals of Students’ Unionism. The book covers everything from running in a college or university students’ union election to lobbying government for education funding and advocating for a student in a grade appeal. The insight Crispin provides is not available in any other available book on the subject of students’ unions. Nearly anyone involved in an SU could benefit from the content provided, especially boards of directors.
The author is the executive director of the Selkirk College Students’ Union, a small outfit in British Columbia’s mountainous interior. However, Crispin has a lot of experience with the student movement across Canada, having served as the chairperson of the British Columbia Federation of Students and a national executive member of the Canadian Federation of Students. The introduction of the book draws attention to the various political struggles facing students, and draws those ideas together succinctly and clearly.
Crispin’s book is a pretty Canadian take on students’ unionism, as the reader will quickly figure out. The chapter about students’ union legal affairs and appendixes are specific to the student movement in Canada. Still, the chapters on everything from organizing campaigns to building solidarity coalitions are widely applicable. Be it a students’ union, resource centre, or public interest research group, The Fundamentals of Students’ Unionism likely has something to offer.
At a time when governments, even those generally considered progressive, are increasing tuition and student debt is growing, it is time for students’ unionists to develop new skills. Training organizers and those running campaigns for increased post-secondary education funding would find value in this book.