Vino Bitches: VOGA Italia Moscato

VOGA Italia Moscato
Found at Superstore Liquor, $17.59
Short for “vogue,” VOGA describes itself as a “revolution in wine,” targeting a stylish and sophisticated audience. But one look at the bottle’s familiar shape and you’ll realize there’s nothing innovative about it. I purchased this wine (without even reading the label) thinking that it was the cool Wine Mom of the Norwegian VOSS water bottles. Turns out it’s just the copycat younger sister trying oh-so-very hard to find its place.
Similar to a trend-worshipping 12-year-old, the campaign has very little grounding. It claims to be an icon of style and refinement. If you can get past the VOGA/VOSS comparison (nope), you might see that in the sleek and simple packaging. The lack of a classic wine bottle neck, though, makes it much more difficult to drink straight out of the bottle — what’s a student pushing through that midterm lull to do? You might suggest using a cup, but if you do, you probably don’t need this wine as much as some of us do.
While VOGA’s packaging stirs up quite a predicament, the taste is clear-cut. The light and airy moscato hits a sweet spot on the sugar charts — not sickly, but sweet enough to pair well with the leftover pumpkin pie from Thanksgiving sitting in your fridge. Or your dinner. Or your lunch. Have I mentioned that it’s midterm season yet?
Unless the elegant look of a sexy VOGA bottle in your hand is highly appealing to you, you’re not getting your money’s worth with this wine. You’re probably better off paying half the price for a bottle of Barefoot to relieve your stresses.