
12 Days of Archived Holiday Content: Everyone’s Getting Ready for Christmas

December 10, 1948

Everyone’s Getting Ready For Christmas

Going home for Christmas always means packing, and petite Fay Rhodes gets some of hers done early. Her bed in Pembina is so high that she doesn’t have to bend over her suitcase.

Christmas tress help make the Yuletide a gay season, but it isn’t everyone who can cot down their own tree in their own front yard. That’s what Pat Scott and her father, H. A. Scott, 11045 Saskatchewan Drive, are doing this year. They have a hedge of evergreens in their front yard.

Decorating the tree never fails to be fun. Coeds at the Kappa Alpha Theta house put theirs up early. The girls are Nancy Jean York, Lois Nicols and Doreen Porter (kneeling).

Present Dickens At Pyjama Party

Annual Pembina Christmas “Pyjama Party,” complete with candlelight and blazing log fire, will be held on Dec. 12.

Under the direction of Nita Bennett, several Pembinites will give a presentation of Dickens’ “Christmas Carol.” Carol Barnes, well-known dancer, will also entertain the girls with a special dancing number.

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