Brew Crew: Alberta Genuine Draft

Alberta Genuine Draft
Price: $19.99/ 15-pack (Liquor Depot)
As a socialist, vegetarian, and daughter of two Quebecers, I don’t feel a lot of traditional ‘Berta pride. Cracking open a can of Big Rock’s Alberta Genuine Draft, however, provides me with genuine feelings of love for this province. I will never own a sticker that reads “I love Alberta beef,” but given the opportunity, I would pay good money for one that reads “I love AGD.”
Although I discovered this gem because it was the least expensive thing in the entire liquor store, AGD isn’t just another cheap, watery beer that was able to win my love over concerns for my wallet’s wellbeing (step aside Pabst Blue Ribbon). The first miraculous discovery about good ol’ AGD: the entire top comes off. Just like a can of beans, or those fruit cups you had as a kid, AGD’s “360 Degree Pop Top” ensures you’re not limited to one measly little opening, instead giving you a gaping, all-access pass to your delicious brewed beverage. Nothing beats the sound of a cold beer fizzing as you pop a can open, except for the sound of a cold beer fizzing combined with the satisfying crunch of peeling the entire top of the can off. A can of AGD quickly turns into a cup of AGD with the flick of a wrist.
Naysayers will tell you this simple but magnificent technology creates more sharp surfaces to cut your lips on, but are we really Albertans if we’re not willing to live life a little dangerously? I may never ride a bucking bronco, or hurtle down a racetrack in a chuck wagon, but I can taste a bit of that thrill with every unbridled sip of Alberta Genuine Draft.
If you’re looking for hops, malt, or any of those other beery-things your one “connoisseur” friend talks about, Alberta Genuine Draft probably isn’t what you’re looking for. But if you’re looking for an unrestricted, unparalleled, cheap drinking experience, and a healthy dose of Alberta pride, AGD has got your back.